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Getting jpegs into camera

  • 9 Replies
Getting jpegs into camera
« on: 22 / April / 2008, 13:46:36 »

I hope this forum can help me.  I would like to put jpeg images into my camera.  For instance a map of a city I am going to.  The camera seems very picky about which jpegs it will accept.  I often get an "unidentified image" screen.  It won't display my old S400 images, but will display some Pentax images I took with my newer little Pentax camera.

What is the special info in the jpeg that the camera is looking for?  Are there any tools to get a jpeg into a format that the camera will recognize?

Thanks for any help.

Re: Getting jpegs into camera
« Reply #1 on: 22 / April / 2008, 13:49:13 »
Take a picture, save it to the PC, open it up in ANY image editing software, DO NOT RESIZE IT, and paste over the map. Save back over the original on the camera.

SHOULD work...

Re: Getting jpegs into camera
« Reply #2 on: 22 / April / 2008, 15:34:14 »
Take a picture, save it to the PC, open it up in ANY image editing software, DO NOT RESIZE IT, and paste over the map. Save back over the original on the camera.

SHOULD work...

It did work.  Thanks.

Re: Getting jpegs into camera
« Reply #3 on: 23 / April / 2008, 06:50:47 »
Take a picture, save it to the PC, open it up in ANY image editing software, DO NOT RESIZE IT, and paste over the map. Save back over the original on the camera.

SHOULD work...

It did work.  Thanks.


I'm thinking a new idea I'm going to try, set the JPG name to one of later numbers in the series, so it shows up as the last picture in the camera always...


Offline PhyrePhoX

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Re: Getting jpegs into camera
« Reply #4 on: 23 / April / 2008, 09:26:29 »
in general you have to follow the design rules for camera filesystems - . these rules have been written to ensure that you can take an sd card with pics from a canon cam and shove it into a nikon one (for example) and be able to see your pics on that nikon camera.
couldnt find a better link, here is the english translation of a german text that sums up the above linked pdf very well:
403 Forbidden

Re: Getting jpegs into camera
« Reply #5 on: 23 / April / 2008, 15:26:03 »

I have just determined that my initial problems were due to Irfanview.  Irfanview somehow does something to jpegs when it writes them that Canon doesn't like.  My camera is a 720IS. 

Too bad, I like and use Irfanview very much.  I also have PaintShopPro and this program does not have the problem.

Re: Getting jpegs into camera
« Reply #6 on: 10 / August / 2008, 11:37:10 »
Please tell me exactly and detailed how you did this. I have tried with a few editors including PSP 8
but with no luck.

Using the camera as a map viewer is an excellent idea, saves trees.

Re: Getting jpegs into camera
« Reply #7 on: 11 / August / 2008, 11:19:45 »
Please tell me exactly and detailed how you did this. I have tried with a few editors including PSP 8
but with no luck.

Using the camera as a map viewer is an excellent idea, saves trees.

I have PSP X.  Don't know if that makes a difference.
I followed mrproper's advice.  This is what I did:
1.  Copied an image taken on the camera to my computer.  Suppose this is IMG_1001.JPG
2.  Have a different image, say map.jpg, that I want to put into the camera.
3.  Open both map.jpg and IMG_1001.JPG in PSP.
4.  Click on IMG_1001.JPG and get the image information.  Note the width and height.
5.  Click on map.jpg.  Image->Resize to the above width and height
6.  Choose Edit->Copy
7.  Click on IMG_1001.JPG.  Choose Edit->Paste As New Selection.
8.  Save IMG_1001.JPG. 
9.  Put IMG_1001.JPG back into the camera.

This works for me.


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Re: Getting jpegs into camera
« Reply #8 on: 12 / August / 2008, 05:39:11 »
It's important to save jpeg WITH exif, otherwise camera won't recognize it, and naming scheme must be obeyed (IMG_XXXX.JPG)

My A620 accepts all exif jpegs, provided that width and height are multipliers of 8 and that size is up to 4992 x 3328 pix (size of Canon 1Ds mk II jpeg), so map can be quite big ... which is great

Re: Getting jpegs into camera
« Reply #9 on: 02 / September / 2008, 06:50:29 »
My A620 accepts all exif jpegs, provided that width and height are multipliers of 8 and that size is up to 4992 x 3328 pix

What works for me was these settings:

EXIF: has to be exactly as Cannon pictures, small variations didn't work for me.
size:  (these works for me, other multiples of 8 doesn't work for me)
   4992 x 3328
   2048 x 1536
optimized: No (yes will fail)
quality: Any
progressive: no (didn't try yes)
sub sampling: both 2x1 1x1 1x1 and 2x2 1x1 1x1 works, so I'm guessing all works.
DCT method: integer (didn't try other)

So to upload images to a cannon I use Gimp to save images in the right aspect, and then clone EXIF information from images taken from the camera, with jhead.

Code: [Select]
jhead -te orig/IMG_0488.JPG  IMG_0488.jpg

It would be nice to understand what EXIF information is needed make the export to Cannon cameras work. Anyone with a clue on this?


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