Once and for all...
It was NEVER my intention to hurt this forum. On the contrary. I have made several suggestions to try to make this forum a better place, easier on the core membership. Look at my post history!
Barney Fife, however, apparently believed that he WAS this forum, as the most important contributor, and he chose to HURT THIS FORUM by pulling all of his posts! He honestly believed that this forum was nothing without him.
He made a tremendous and foolish BLUNDER, people! He thought I was some "gay-basher" called "Bluenoser", and decided to punish me for something he was mistaken about!
THEN, because acseven reprimanded him for incorrectly handling the situation, Barney Fife decided to make ALL OF YOU PAY FOR ACSEVEN'S DECISION, NOTHING TO DO WITH ME!!! -I was already banned and gone, as far as Barney was concerned!
What the he!! is the matter with you people? Do you not recognize that the person who was once so helpful has punished you all for not for what I have done, but for a foolish mistake that HE HIMSELF had made?
PhyrePhox, you really think I should be banned? Why? -Because I told the biggest contributor to this forum that he should not be telling everyone that "someone needs to shoot" the "noobs"?!
Did you smite me because of this?
My ban still has not been lifted. Why? What have I done to deserve this?
Did anyone even bother to read the link that I posted that explains all of this?
All I wanted was to make my camera better, and to give back what I could. I've never been anything but humble here. I asked someone in a PM about how I could donate money.
I am NOT the bad guy in this whole thing. Barney Fife was a loose cannon, and and his history of outbursts and subsequent banning from other forums proves it.
I have since attempted to email Barney with no response. I want him to know what an a$$ he has been by mistaking me for some other online personality who apparently has given him trouble.
Personally, I think he is just plain embarrassed to have had his history discovered and to have made such a stupid mistake.
There is nothing more I can really say in my defense on this matter unless someone asks me a direct question.
I believe I have done all I can to resolve this situation.
The unfortunate end result of the loss of all data that Barney Fife had contributed was purely his own doing in an attempt to punish this forum for his own foolish actions and abuse of moderator powers.