Withdrawal of Barney Fife - page 2 - Forum related topics (including issues) - CHDK Forum

Withdrawal of Barney Fife

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Re: Withdrawal of Barney Fife
« Reply #10 on: 23 / April / 2008, 11:54:24 »
"Woodsman" = "Barney Fife".


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Re: Withdrawal of Barney Fife
« Reply #11 on: 23 / April / 2008, 12:23:20 »
I saw alot of childish behaviour these last days,of barney and sterling in particular.
Sure barney sometimes wasnt nice,he was very blunt with people.but to say he was constantly bashing newbies is a lie and plain stupid,sterling.I would say from all his almost 1400 posts he was bashing newbies in maybe 5% of these posts.and of these 5%,70% deserved it.
Sure,deleting his posts is really a childish and stupid move.but the thread you created about him (now hidden from public) was even a more stupid move,sterling.
Barneys mod status was taken away becoz he didnt regard acsevens #1 rule: to not ban people.if he instead would have raised this topic in our internal forum maybe the outcome would have been slightly different - you being banned by acseven and barney still here.

Re: Withdrawal of Barney Fife
« Reply #12 on: 23 / April / 2008, 14:00:35 »
I do not know and also do not want to know the real reason of Barney Fife's withdrawal. But I must say that we have lost a member who was knowledgeable and well read. This I could judge even in the short time I have been a member of this forum.

Leave aside CHDK, I am very new even to digital photography. I had found that he was one member who responded immediately to any query, whether of an expert or of a new user. You must realize that a person who is above normal intelligence may have mood swings. Such persons are also very colorful and emotional. If we want to learn something we have to bear them.

It is very much in bad taste if you rake up some old and worthless issues (as some members have done it) which have no bearing on this forum. After reading the present thread I am not surprised that he has quit and deleted his posts.

Whatever anyone says, we will certainly miss him and his posts.

Re: Withdrawal of Barney Fife
« Reply #13 on: 23 / April / 2008, 14:03:26 »
And it appears that Woodsman has done the same as far as deleting all his messages.  There are now entire message threads containing nothing but "Deleted".

This why on the forums I set up, I don't allow over 5 minutes for message editing :)


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Re: Withdrawal of Barney Fife
« Reply #14 on: 23 / April / 2008, 14:39:02 »
This why on the forums I set up, I don't allow over 5 minutes for message editing :)

Well this is not really good either imo, how many times I edit my posts (either a dead link or a typing/spelling/grammar mistake) way more than 5 mins after.
But as I said earlier here, I doubt he really has the "rights" on his posts anymore.

Re: Withdrawal of Barney Fife
« Reply #15 on: 23 / April / 2008, 17:51:35 »
This why on the forums I set up, I don't allow over 5 minutes for message editing :)

Well this is not really good either imo, how many times I edit my posts (either a dead link or a typing/spelling/grammar mistake) way more than 5 mins after.
But as I said earlier here, I doubt he really has the "rights" on his posts anymore.

Thus making you think twice before submitting. You can also poll the submission while you edit it in steps. And of course, this gives more power to the moderators.

My posts are my intellectual property and should only be used in fair ways. For example, you may not quote them and receive fees or taxes for my content.

Re: Withdrawal of Barney Fife
« Reply #16 on: 23 / April / 2008, 17:52:35 »
Cya around Barney, it was a pleasure reading your posts.

Re: Withdrawal of Barney Fife
« Reply #17 on: 23 / April / 2008, 18:04:00 »

Below is my comment to the situation, sent earlier to the mods. I also replied to all the PMs in my inbox, but sorry for the delay.

Some additional clarification: members Barney Fife / Woodsman are not banned from this forum, far from it; I hope that Barney will reconsider abandoning the board, as it will be a considerable loss in photography and chdk knowledgeable MVP. Also, I will not stop Barney from removing all his topics (though I haven't got a simple way of clearing them all, nor the time , nor the will to do it), as I am stating that the community is not built on one member's posts.

@Barney: Anyway, should you still consider leaving the board, thank you for your contribution, at least the most positive part (proabably 95%? ;)]


Sorry all for the delay, but only now I got back to my computer.

This is a very simple situation, and very clearly identified by you: Barney Fife / Woodsman broke a very simple rule of this board. That was a very strict rule, for which I trust everyone belonging to a Moderation group; if one breaks my trust, one cannot keep a place in such a high responsibility position.

Barney Fife is an excellent contributer to this community, one that I consider as a MVP of the chdk world. Being the most "prompt to participate and help" member that I spotted when I created the board, I accepted his proposal to be a moderator. He also warned (same message) me if I was sure of this, because he knows himself very well, warning me that things could get tricky with him moderating... (not fully quoting here, no need to).

Anyway, and to sum up, Barney is very welcome. He is just not fit to moderate, not under my standards.

Thank you all for reading and once more for your availability and devotion to the community, you deserve it. Barney Fife, please keep on creating the long-long posts around, they'll be referenced constantly...


ps: the gay-bashing thing. Let me quote one of the boards [my] rules:
No swearing or using offensive language, conversation, or any reference (images, etc.) that will disturb users - or anyone - for that matter. In a board, be civil - that is the way to go;)  ps. I will erase every post, image, and ban if someone should decide start rising against this.
It is seriously far fetched  that I would would break it. Nevertheless, if someone was disturbing you, that matter should be reported to me. What stresses me out is that I only knew about this from another channel other than Barney, including checking moderation logs. Even if the ban was correctly applied I *should be informed* immediately.

« Last Edit: 23 / April / 2008, 18:17:56 by acseven »


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Re: Withdrawal of Barney Fife
« Reply #18 on: 23 / April / 2008, 18:26:23 »
Quote and add
Cya around Barney, it was a pleasure reading your posts.
the same way, but I regret that you have chosen all pay for one.

« Last Edit: 24 / April / 2008, 03:31:02 by intrnst »
-- funny english, be aware -- CHDK for Dummies - The Very First Steps

Re: Withdrawal of Barney Fife
« Reply #19 on: 23 / April / 2008, 19:51:49 »
Once and for all...
 It was NEVER my intention to hurt this forum. On the contrary. I have made several suggestions to try to make this forum a better place, easier on the core membership. Look at my post history!
Barney Fife, however, apparently believed that he WAS this forum, as the most important contributor, and he chose to HURT THIS FORUM by pulling all of his posts! He honestly believed that this forum was nothing without him.
He made a tremendous and foolish BLUNDER, people! He thought I was some "gay-basher" called "Bluenoser", and decided to punish me for something he was mistaken about!
THEN, because acseven reprimanded him for incorrectly handling the situation, Barney Fife decided to make ALL OF YOU PAY FOR ACSEVEN'S DECISION, NOTHING TO DO WITH ME!!! -I was already banned and gone, as far as Barney was concerned!

What the he!! is the matter with you people? Do you not recognize that the person who was once so helpful has punished you all for not for what I have done, but for a foolish mistake that HE HIMSELF had made?

PhyrePhox, you really think I should be banned? Why? -Because I told the biggest contributor to this forum that he should not be telling everyone that "someone needs to shoot" the "noobs"?!
Did you smite me because of this?

My ban still has not been lifted. Why? What have I done to deserve this?
Did anyone even bother to read the link that I posted that explains all of this?

All I wanted was to make my camera better, and to give back what I could. I've never been anything but humble here. I asked someone in a PM about how I could donate money.
I am NOT the bad guy in this whole thing. Barney Fife was a loose cannon, and and his history of outbursts and subsequent banning from other forums proves it.

I have since attempted to email Barney with no response. I want him to know what an a$$ he has been by mistaking me for  some other online personality who apparently has given him trouble.
Personally, I think he is just plain embarrassed to have had his history discovered and to have made such a stupid mistake.

There is nothing more I can really say in my defense on this matter unless someone asks me a direct question.
I believe I have done all I can to resolve this situation.
The unfortunate end result of the loss of all data that Barney Fife had contributed was purely his own doing in an attempt to punish this forum for his own foolish actions and abuse of moderator powers.
« Last Edit: 24 / April / 2008, 08:16:53 by SterlingRex »


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