While I understand your desire to have your camera ported to CHDK, it appears that you don't understand what's involved. It is a lot more than just "...needing to download the file and change a few values..." It is, in fact a substantial investment in time and energy.
During the porting of the TX-1, it took the efforts of members from Wales, Finland, Kiev, Russia, Australia, the USA and other parts unknown for over a month to finally complete the task.
If you truly desire a build, the first thing to do is to build a team of developers, and testers.
The porting process basically consists of multiple steps including dumping the firmware, disassembling the firmware, making educated guesses as to the locations of certain routines in the disassembly, testing to see that the routines do what you think they do, and, more importantly, that they do not do other things as well. Next comes actually building a port based on the existing software where possible, and then testing for problems and then repeating the testing of the build until it's stable enough to release.
My point is that an understanding of the complexities will, hopefully, lead you to a more respectful attitude in your interactions with the developers. This in turn, may get someone to take up your cause and begin the process.
And it does help if the developer has the camera, but, if enough people are willing to pitch in and devote the necessary time to testing, it is not a deal breaker.
And, BTW, I am not a developer...