Daily update
Chapter 1.CHDK updateCHDK update went smoothly after some hiccups thanks to reyalp's code.We did this update to fix the set_zoom issue in the cameras.(see chapter 2)
Chapter2.The...ZOOM.I cant write alot of technical stuff some of them i don't really understand but i will refer only some facts.
Fact #1 Canon A2500 suck.Big time.Noise in the photos is pathetic.We did a test.3 cameras shooting the same thing in daylight conditions.
A canon dslr camera , a canon A2500 compact camera and galaxy s4 , my phone.
Dslr result was nearly perfect..minimum to none noise, expected.galaxy s4 , second place , minimum noise and last position belongs to A2500...pa-the-tic.
Fact #2Because of
fact #1 , in order to get the best result out of A2500s , and by best result i mean best 3d modelling/processing result , we need to shoot with some zoom.
I dont want to go into technicalities but its either buying more A2500s (no money for that) , throw away A2500s and get same number of dslr (guess what , no money for that either) , use specific clothes on people that getting shot (a bit weird to ask such thing from the clients), or SHOOT WITH A BIT ZOOM.
That's why we got into the thing of updating chdk in the cameras in order to "fix" the zoom thing.
But it got fixed partially..if you zoom a little bit , distortion is little...if you zoom more , distortion is more.
More distortion = more screwed up models produced = no go.
pending problems (for getting better results otherwise MANY conditions must be met in order to get a good result) are :
Zoom distortion.
ISO (in an effort to reduce noise). In chdk menu "disable overrides in startup" is unchecked and iso override is checked.But as i said in previous post iso is sometimes different in some photos.Trying to control it with script/command pending.
White balance. We need the same light conditions in all photos.That's not happening.Some photos are dark , some lighter , some normal , according the light conditions its camera is facing...We need fixed ISO , fixed shutter speed (we have that) and fixed white balance.