Thanks for comment mphx.
As I said, my comment is more a placeholder for when I get around to my own build in which i'd like to capture
from darkroom blackroom using flash. I don't wish to disrupt the "flow" of your thread but I still have too much to learn before starting my own.
I'd only dabbled in all of this this for a short time when the machine I used for chdkptp died - that is still the case - so most of what I say is not based in testing and a lot may be mere speculation. Until I realised the potential of photogrammetry for 3D I had practically no interest in 2D photography (& still haven't).
Anyway, what i'm currently thinking is for canon point & shoot cams that natively support MANUAL setting capacity for focus / zoom / aperture:(i) First thing each morning, in studio ambient light conditions, run a multicam.lua type routine [function] that, uniquely for each camera, sets focus / zoom / ambient aperture / ambient shutter period based on a PC located
"Ambient Light Condition Table(s)"[see later for that Table(s) description] - that script finshes with "exit-ALT" (does that even exist?) so that manual, per camera, settings (focus/zoom) can be "tweaked" (i.e. physically on each camera).
(ii) Now, with the
"Tailors dummy" in the centre of the rig (or a much bigger or smaller one, depending on that day's "chosen" clientele list),
each camera is focused (tweaked) in the manner described as at post #238: (iii) Now, another multicam.lua type routine is run. It's purpose is to
GET the most recent (tweaked) focus/zoom values from each camera and to overwrite the values (for each camera) stored, on the PC, in the "Ambient Light Condition Table(s)" file(s) )
(iv) Now, another multicam.lua type routine is run. It's purpose is to
OVERWRITE these most recent (tweaked) focus/zoom values (from each camera) into a
separate "
Flash Light Condition Table(s)" PC based file(s) [the aperture for flash condition & shutter speed for flash condition values having been
pre-determined are not overwritten].
(v) Now,
another multicam.lua type routine is run. It's purpose is to
SET the ambient focus/ ambient zoom/ [flash] aperture/ [flash] shutter speed values (for each camera) from the Table(s) stored on the PC at point (iv).
another multicam.lua type routine [function] is run. It's purpose is to:
- lock all settings (for each camera as supplied at (v)(a)
- apply
usbptpsynch & shoot as perexisting in a similar fashion to the current "multicam.lua" but in flash light conditions
Make sense? don't ask me to repeat, i've had my first 4 glasses (Saturday night after all)
Well, do please, somebody...anybody
This post was based on this post (no replies):
Cross ref - this is what I must have been thinking about all along