Multi-camera setup project. - page 38 - Creative Uses of CHDK - CHDK Forum

Multi-camera setup project.

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Offline reyalp

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Re: Multi-camera setup project.
« Reply #370 on: 28 / June / 2016, 15:56:32 »
Code: [Select]
=return call_event_proc("UI.CreatePublic")and
Code: [Select]
=return call_event_proc("PTM_SetCurrentItem",0x800c,0)did the trick AFTER
1.I enabled "native lua calls" on the cameras
2.I single-connected the camera to chdkptp (not using multicam)

But the idea was , to change the setting on all A2500s at the same time.If i have to connect each one of them , one by one , is pointless :)
I didn't say this was the *only* way to do this.
To enable native calls, you will probably have to set it on one camera through the UI, then upload the CFG to the remaining cameras.

To call the event procs using multicam, you can use the the regular mc:cmd('call ...')
Once you know the right sequence, you don't need to check the return values.

It's there in your photo: DISP Alt +/- Debug action
Ok , seriously i feel dumb , what is the debug key according to this ? :)
The DISP key.
However, from the internet it appears DISP is not a standlone key, but instead is on the down arrow. So the "debug shortcut" may not be accessible (I'm not certain, it's possible DOWN works). This is a bug, if true.

Nope , there were some shootings the last days , didn't want to mess up with multicam or any other file.
So for your next 2 questions the answers are status values , no running fixedint.lua.
Then this test didn't really tell you much, except that the problem wasn't all due to the review setting. If you want to *fix* the problem, you need to do the testing.

Testing with them is a bit delicate matter since its "production" rig and i wouldn't like to fck it up while shooting is pending :)
Hence my suggestion to use only one or two cameras...


fixedint is a standalone script, so will have no impact on multicam usage.

multicam.lua is purely client side, you can leave your existing chdkptp setup alone, and run an entirely new install from a different directory.

I do understand the desire not to mess with production system.
« Last Edit: 28 / June / 2016, 16:05:37 by reyalp »
Don't forget what the H stands for.


Offline mphx

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Re: Multi-camera setup project.
« Reply #371 on: 28 / June / 2016, 16:26:58 »
Yeap , i know , i need to run fixedint script to alteast 1-2 A2500s , to see their times.

Then i can mess up with "review picture after shooting" , native lua calls or any other setting.

Theory says A2500s *must* have more or less the same times with ixus 160 , since they have the same specs regarding *shots/per sec*.But having different hardware/firmware times may vary.
Will try to do some tests tomorrow.

EDIT : i am all about messing with the rig , my friend who really owns it  , is not :P


Offline reyalp

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Re: Multi-camera setup project.
« Reply #372 on: 28 / June / 2016, 17:17:30 »
Theory says A2500s *must* have more or less the same times with ixus 160 , since they have the same specs regarding *shots/per sec*.But having different hardware/firmware times may vary.
It should be in the same ballpark if the specs are the same, but there might be other factors like SD card or camera settings. ISO is one setting to watch out for, high ISOs can add a significant amount of processing time. (I'd guess you use low ISO for the rig anyway?)

EDIT : i am all about messing with the rig , my friend who really owns it  , is not :P
Seems like it would be worth having a couple of "spare" cameras of the same type used in the rig.
Don't forget what the H stands for.


Offline mphx

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Re: Multi-camera setup project.
« Reply #373 on: 28 / June / 2016, 19:17:50 »
As i check my multicam "buttons" i see that we set exposure time and we leave ISO "free".
Checking a couple of old shots , ISO never gets high , its either 100 or 200.
Maybe its time we set it in a fixed number...we will think about it..

Well , plan was to get some spare A2500s , in case some cameras needed replacement or just for testing purposes.
But market here is ridiculous..we had to get most of them from amazon/ebay. Whole country didn't have more than ~20 pieces.It was end of line for A2500s too and was very difficult to find any more.
Same thing is happening now with ixus 160.I wonder how we are gonna get them for the new rig we are going to set up.That would be fun :)

Re: Multi-camera setup project.
« Reply #374 on: 29 / June / 2016, 05:21:34 »
To enable native calls, you will probably have to set it on one camera through the UI, then upload the CFG to the remaining cameras.

In case it could be useful, I used Dave Mitchell's (Zeno's) CFG editor last year - found a little glitch which he quickly fixed. Situation specific it's a super little tool


Offline cdg

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Re: Multi-camera setup project.
« Reply #375 on: 28 / September / 2016, 22:53:49 »

First of all we are not shooting raw.
5secs is slow...and if we lower it , we hear the shooting clicks getting out of sync.At 5secs the "clicks" are all synced.Someone could think that "hearing" isn't a sure confirmation.But it are not synced judging from the result since in some of them the person has the photos were not synced.

Thing is that in between the two shots we project a pattern to the person being shot (pattern from projectors).And i wonder if the change in brightness produced by this pattern causes the cameras to re-focus or re-adjust iso/exposure and stuff like this (although we setup these values before every shoot) it wastes time..I may saying stupid things here...

And as i mentioned  before , ixus 160 shoots faster than a2500 ..maybe its partially a hardware limitation...of how fast can the camera shoot.

Anyways if we can't find a solution to lead us to shoot only once (not going to happen any time soon as long as we have cheap compact cameras) , fast multiple shooting will be always an issue.

EDIT : now that i am thinking of it , you are right ...preshoots only once and then shoots as many times as it has been set up.I have seen that camera struggles during multiple shots.What i mean by struggle is that shoots-photo taken remains for msecs in display-it goes back to rec mode display-shoots the next one.Something like that.
So its all going down to how fast the 2 steps (photo taken remains-go back to rec mode display) are happening.
I saw that in ixus 160 , this whole thing goes down faster than a2500 , thats why i said that partially maybe its a hardware thing/limitation since as you said after the first shot camera is running on its own...
Why you need to project a pattern to the person being shot ?

Re: Multi-camera setup project.
« Reply #376 on: 28 / September / 2016, 23:35:59 »
Why you need to ...

@cdg  : if looks like you formatted part of  your response with very small font that makes it unreadable for most of us.  I think what you were trying to say was :

Why you need to project a pattern to the person being shot ?

Edit : in case you don't get a response as the formatting of your questions made it unreadable,  the pattern is projected to allow post processing of any resulting 3D image. How that post processing is done is complicated - more so than than my response implies.
« Last Edit: 28 / September / 2016, 23:46:19 by waterwingz »
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16


Offline mphx

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Re: Multi-camera setup project.
« Reply #377 on: 29 / September / 2016, 07:55:54 »
Its all about how Agisoft Photoscan (or any other software of this kind) works.

Photoscan produces a rough 3d model from a series of images.In order to do so , it tries to find common "points" in the images so it can calculate/guess the depth of the things in the images.
So , by projecting a pattern into the thing/person we are shooting , we just put more "points" for the Photoscan to find.
As a result , the produced 3d model , is very smooth , and the post-3d-processing is minimal.

Believe me when i say , if someone wears black/white/one-colored clothes or something that shines ...the model is a real mess...gaps everywhere , gaps we have to "close" by hand..not good.

Re: Multi-camera setup project.
« Reply #378 on: 30 / September / 2016, 02:54:21 »
For DSLR  & DLP projector combination - details were provided by Magnus in this thread:

With his multiple DLP projectors continuously running, he:

simultaneously triggered a group of Canon DSLR and Nikon DSLR. He took advantage of the shorter shutter lag of the Nikons to get all their shutters open & closed in 5ms and fire multiple off camera flash before the Canons' had opened their shutters:

  • ran 18 Canons (2 of 600D + 16 of 1100D) at  "long" 20ms shutter to pick up the projected noise for geometry

Simultaneously he

  • ran 4 cameras (Nikon D3200) at "short" 5ms shutter to pick up for texture only (i.e. not "drowned" by the continuous, relatively low intensity projected noise.
My memory is he had all camera remote shutter release wires (Canon & Nikon) simply connected together with splitters and a radio transmitter on one of the D3200 to trigger several off camera flash.

The benefits were impressive and described here:

"This first one was shot just with flash and as you can see it got 15877 points."

"This next one we used the projectors too and this is what we got, 45733 points"

Based on this, it seems very unlikely to get all the "shutters" on a large bank of chdk cameras open and closed in a 5ms period - maybe 40ms, but that amount of dlp projected noise would probably adversely affect the flash texture capture.

To do this somewhere nearly as quickly (Edit1: maybe around 80ms across two separate banks of cameras) as the process that Magnus described using chdk cameras it therefore seems likely that the noise pattern must be projected using flash e.g.

Edit2: I don't know how long the period was between the last Nikon shutter closing and the last Canon shutter opening so I don't know how long Magnus's 2 stage capture took from start to finish.
« Last Edit: 30 / September / 2016, 03:32:40 by andrew.stephens.754365 »


Offline cdg

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Re: Multi-camera setup project.
« Reply #379 on: 11 / October / 2016, 20:51:46 »
Why you need to ...

@cdg  : if looks like you formatted part of  your response with very small font that makes it unreadable for most of us.  I think what you were trying to say was :

Why you need to project a pattern to the person being shot ?

Edit : in case you don't get a response as the formatting of your questions made it unreadable,  the pattern is projected to allow post processing of any resulting 3D image. How that post processing is done is complicated - more so than than my response implies.
Sorry for the unreadable trouble :lol :lol [size=78%]. [/size]


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