@reyalpYes, absolutely. Whether it makes a difference depends on how long saving the image takes relative to other parts of the process, but I'm not surprised card speed has an impact. I'd suggest using class 10 cards everywhere. There's no point going to the higher UHS levels, because the camera hardware doesn't support them.
Well , i counted all the sd cards today on all cameras 27x class 6 , 37x class4. So there is an issue now.Replacing atleast all 37x class4 is a bit of a cost.
We , either decide to replace them or go on another approach.Thinking of reducing the mpixels of photos being taken.
Less mpixels , less image size , less data to be written on the card.So the card speed would have less impact on this part of the process.
We will think it.Best solution for me is replacing the cards..but its not my call
One thing I have noticed is that the first shot after booting tends to be a lot more variable than later shots. So it might help to have a single "warm up" shot before you try to take a synced burst.
Yes we have noticed that too.We take 3-4 double shots for "warm up" before we start the real testing or shooting or whatever.
Generally, the camera keeps the image on the screen in continuous mode, and blinks black if you use the "hold down half shoot, click full shoot" approach.
Assuming you are using the latest multicam.lua, mc:shoot should use continuous mode if it's enabled in the canon UI, unless you pass cont=false. So the fact it's going black suggests it might not be using continuous mode, but it could also just be a side effect of the hook used to synchronize continuous shooting on this particular camera.
We enabled continuous mode on all cameras today and turned off "review image after shooting".
Shooting command had "cont=true" , so i suppose , continuous mode was enabled.
During double shooting , it was like "shoot 1st photo--display black--display on again---small busy time for saving photo i presume--shooting the second photo"
All these quickly in a time window of ~2secs.
When i tried "continuous mode" in a single camera , as i said , without chdk involved..it was like....shooting photos at a steady rate...display always on and no obvious signs of saving anything.
I wonder , what is happening in this case...doesnt it save the photos?I dont care about the display going on and off or not...in single-continuous-mode it seemed that it was no delay for saving anything...
Black screen doenst bother me , doesnt delay anything , i noticed at some times , that shooting was happening during the time display was black...i mean display truning on and off doesnt delay the shooting..it happens no matter what the display does.But saving photos obviously delays the procedure.
Bottom line , we achieved a nice 2 sec time during the double shooting.Lower times were out of sync.Probably that was the minimum time we could achieve with these cameras and these cards.
Thats more than satisfied for us (from a previous 5secs time).Now its up to us to decide the replacement of the cards...or the other option i mentioned above.
PS: yes , tests were done with latest multicam.lua.Revision 729 if i am not mistaken.