@H-HI don't think windows are involved in all this.Cameras tend to turn off since day one.
I had noticed that when running chdkptp and connect all cameras , if i issued an "exit" command , meaning disconnecting and stop running camera-side script,
then a random number of cameras would turn off.
So i never use "exit" in chdkptp.And i had never problems with cameras turning off.
Maybe its a chdk-firmware bug or problem.I don't know.
Lately (and by lately i mean last months) i upgraded chdk on cameras and after that upgrade i started having random turn offs.
So i always have to keep an eye for turned off cameras now.
Last shooting we had like 20 cameras off and we didn't notice a thing..we were busy with the customers.Thank god we were able to produce a 3d model out of the remaining working cameras.
Thing is that if a camera loses connection during shooting , we can see it.There is an error popup and we just know that some camera lost connection.
So we just re-connect everything and we continue...but if one or more cameras turn off RIGHT BEFORE the re-connect command..there would be no error..only less cameras connecting...
If we don't see it that moment for various reasons (we didnt pay attention on the console output in chdkptp , or/and the camera that is turned off is in the "back" of the rig) , then we just operate with less cameras and we dont know it
Thats why i want a command in chdkptp so i can check during shootings how many cameras are connected...anything lower than 64 means something is going on.
I will test tomorrow the commands of reyalp/andrew and see if they work the way i am guessing they work.
As far as sd cards are concerned..they never leave the camera slot.There is no reason.Downloading of images is done through chdkptp , and future chdk upgrade , through chdkptp again.