ok , i did a bit of testing with bcamhost/bcamrem scripts.
Features that i liked.
1.Naming the cameras and the shoot count. That is a good feature to check if a camera lost a shot.
2.Easy mass transferring without doing multiple connections with a batch script to download the images.
Mass connection at the beginning and the download from all the cameras..good one.
3.Named folders after the cameras' name.
Although i will insist on what i said before.I don't know what scripts think it is happening when the switch is pressed for shooting.What i see and what computer knows is that it "loses" cameras at that point.
And cameras are getting online again when i press switch again.
For example. I used the script to connect all the cameras.Used the shoot command and as expected it got into a loop.I pressed the switch and photos were taken.
So far so good.At this point chdkptp doesn't see any cameras.
I press switch again and naturally cameras are getting available once again.
At this point host script has lost connectivity with remote script.
I issued a download_last() command and it didn't get through. I had to issue a connect() (again) prior to download_last() one.
That's not a problem for me but it indicates that connectivity was lost on all levels when i pressed the switch for the shooting part to happen.
Or i am missing something ..its possible