@reyalpwaterwingz said (if i remember well) if i am picking the right source file...
I am just saying , there is only one source file for each package (either im , cd , iup) and multiple pre-built binaries.
I just linked the "cd" source subdirectory to point out exactly this.
Same thing applies to iup and im file list...
About distros..I am not using linux for primary o/s (i have weird laptop hardware...) , i just have some of them in vmware.
I like trying several , finding the "best" one , the most organized one ..for future use

Thats why i am trying things in several distros...just for messing around
About lua 5.3You advised against that alot of times..but i have bleeding edge hardcoded in my dna..its a bad thing sometimes..but...i cant help it
About the whole projectI dont think its im/cd/iup 's fault..i think as i said before..the creators of them...dont like to organize things better somehow..
They could easily distribute pre-built binaries packages (rpm,deb etc) , so at some point distros can put them in official repos.
If you try to compile them from source , you see that even if these packages can be compiled for lua5.3 , config files are still written to search previous versions.
Maybe for someone who knows his way around config files its easy task..i was lost at some point..going for one config file to another..searching the spots to change .
About chdkptpI know you dont have the time to change/optimize something (GUI i mean) that does its job rather well ..or probably you have better things to do..
but i was looking around , and there are several gt/gtk/whaterver with lua extensions out there (e.g.
http://wxlua.sourceforge.net/) with "normal" dependencies than im/cd/iup.
Wish i knew stuff and how to do something about this , but i have no clue about these things

Just saying..
About standalone package.This package i made , probably will work in different environments , although some subfolders there ,are messy..just throwing the files in the places programs were expecting to find them...
But in bottom line..maybe at some point , you can try standalone packages for more flexibility