=return call_event_proc("UI.CreatePublic")
=return call_event_proc("PTM_SetCurrentItem",0x800c,0)
did the trick AFTER
1.I enabled "native lua calls" on the cameras
2.I single-connected the camera to chdkptp (not using multicam)
But the idea was , to change the setting on all A2500s at the same time.If i have to connect each one of them , one by one , is pointless
I didn't say this was the *only* way to do this.
To enable native calls, you will probably have to set it on one camera through the UI, then upload the CFG to the remaining cameras.
To call the event procs using multicam, you can use the the regular mc:cmd('call ...')
Once you know the right sequence, you don't need to check the return values.
It's there in your photo: DISP Alt +/- Debug action
Ok , seriously i feel dumb , what is the debug key according to this ? 
The DISP key.
However, from the internet it appears DISP is not a standlone key, but instead is on the down arrow. So the "debug shortcut" may not be accessible (I'm not certain, it's possible DOWN works). This is a bug, if true.
Nope , there were some shootings the last days , didn't want to mess up with multicam or any other file.
So for your next 2 questions the answers are obvious...no status values , no running fixedint.lua.
Then this test didn't really tell you much, except that the problem wasn't all due to the review setting. If you want to *fix* the problem, you need to do the testing.
Testing with them is a bit delicate matter since its "production" rig and i wouldn't like to fck it up while shooting is pending 
Hence my suggestion to use only one or two cameras...
fixedint is a standalone script, so will have no impact on multicam usage.
multicam.lua is purely client side, you can leave your existing chdkptp setup alone, and run an entirely new install from a different directory.
I do understand the desire not to mess with production system.