We are facing a rather stupid problem lately.Sometimes cameras are disconnected during photo shooting , most of the times because some cable is moved and lost connection to the camera.
Chdkptp popups a message and we undestand that some camera has lost connection.
So far so good...we re-connect cameras and we continue.
Lately we have noticed that some cameras when they lost connection ..they turn off by themselves for some strange/unknown reason.
And when we have customers waiting for us to re-connect them , we dont notice that some cameras are missing during re-connection since they are off entirely.
My question is , is there a command or a way , to "report" the number of connected cameras.Issue the command and the command will return the number of connected devices.
So after re-connecting cameras , i would know if 64 cameras are connected or less..if less then i will check if some camera is turned off.
I know i could walk around the camera rig and check all of them visually and see if some camera is turned off but as i said, during photoshooting with customers and/or children running around and stuff , we try to be quick with such actions (connect,sync , etc etc) so some things might be overlooked during shooting.
That happened today and we tried to make a model from 35-40 cameras out of 64...the rest cameras for a strange reason turned off at some point of the shooting process!!!
Thanks in advance.