USB Device View has several options that may be useful for additional USB Monitoring:-
a/ Display a Tray Balloon when a USB Device is Disconnected.
b/ Execute the following command when you unplug a USB device. (In Advanced Options.)
"You can use the following variables in the command string:- "...................."
I just read that USBDeview has "all kinds of snazzy, user-callable command line capabilities as well as the basic GUI" - hadn't realised that...potentially useful for further (e.g. AutoIt) automatic analysis.
Just to be clear my multi-camera arrays have a customized setup that is standardized even when using different camera models.
So even when I change to another windows computer, or a new Windows OS version, the cameras will then exhibit the same behavior.
This has been detailed in some older post's and I am still using the same basic method with a few improvements.
I something goes wrong I can then do a soft-reset back to the standard. Windows then dose its "normal-thing" and the
windows registry will then contain the, new, relevant details of Hubs, Connections, Times, Events, "JUNK", Data used for Logs. etc. etc. (example's in posts 420 &422)
There are additional options regarding, AutoIt Automatic Analysis, it can access the windows registry (i.e. "Database")
and then look at the three most important windows registry will then contain the new relevant details of the cameras in the array.
a/ Windows registry key (HKLM_CS001_Control_Class-Key)
b/ Windows registry key (HKLM_CS001_Enum_USB_(Canon Camera)-Key)
c/ Windows registry key (HKLM_CS001_Services_LibUSB0-Key)
See the Examples in the attached Files.
Note #0 Only the, necessary, basic CAMERA-DEPENDENT details are used, BLANK KEYS are used for the other Windows OS Stuff.
Note #1 Caution is needed when editing the registry files.
Note #2 As per Older Post's The customized setup was developed and tested using a Windows-PE (i.e. A RAM based) system using the "REAL HARDWARE".