Very careful newbie here - General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases - CHDK Forum supplierdeeply

Very careful newbie here

  • 4 Replies
Very careful newbie here
« on: 13 / July / 2014, 08:31:14 »
Greetings from my thankful Powershot S5 IS and myself !  :)

Just installed CHDK and noticed that whenever I tweaked pure photographic options, I had troubles... ::)

Must be me, because it does OK when I reset those options and leave them untouched.

Fortunately I could set the OSD options without troubles.

I can already shoot in RAW, and that's a great plus. For the rest, I will try to find the good tips here on the forum. If I fail, I will post some newbie questions right here.

A big thank you for offering all these possibilities !



Offline reyalp

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Re: Very careful newbie here
« Reply #1 on: 13 / July / 2014, 17:23:43 »
Just installed CHDK and noticed that whenever I tweaked pure photographic options, I had troubles... ::)
If you can describe which options and what kind of troubles, we may be able to help.
Don't forget what the H stands for.

Re: Very careful newbie here
« Reply #2 on: 16 / July / 2014, 14:46:51 »
Thanks for offering, but it was really me you know, messing up with too many settings resulting in a blinking screen with "15 sec  f8", and no way to get out of it, nor to take a picture.

So I erased the sd card and re-installed CHDK.

I try to carefully understand the features, while my batteries are frying at high speed rate, about 40 pics taken and they died. Is this normal?

Another humble question : when I activate override aperture (to get f11), I don't see it working - meaning there is no mention of the f11 aperture on screen. Tried to find the right way to get it on the forum, didn't find it...

Anyway, I managed to work some RAW files yet and I'm very pleased with the results.



Re: Very careful newbie here
« Reply #3 on: 16 / July / 2014, 20:02:45 »
I try to carefully understand the features, while my batteries are frying at high speed rate, about 40 pics taken and they died. Is this normal?
Most people tend to turn their camera on,  take a few shots, look at the results, and turn the camera off (or let it power down automatically).   CHDK users tend to play for extended periods of time with the camera powered up and running.  That tends to make it appear that the battery is "frying" when it's just a question of you using the camera more.

Another humble question : when I activate override aperture (to get f11), I don't see it working - meaning there is no mention of the f11 aperture on screen. Tried to find the right way to get it on the forum, didn't find it...
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Re: Very careful newbie here
« Reply #4 on: 17 / July / 2014, 08:43:38 »
Thank you for your kind help. Should be that about the batteries. Anyway, the Powershot S5 IS uses AA batteries, and I have loads of NiMh AA's I use for other purposes, so it's not really an issue.

And thanks for the link. I overri..eeeh overlooked that.

Young, I had good eyes and overlooked few things.

Now I wear glasses and overlook many (too many) things.

Go figure ! :haha


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