I've split this from the other thread since it doesn't relate the that specific bug.
Regarding the HDMI stuff, I am unclear (as usual) how much of your post is actual verified information and how much is ideas and speculation.
~~~~how much is ideas and speculation.~~~~
Regarding the HDMI stuff, At the beginning of CHDK USB-HPD (Hot plug Detect) was a not very well understood and a undocumented CHDK feature.
Now it's a very well understood an very well documented CHDK feature.
Yes, I am speculating that the HDMI-HPD control, stuff, is as far as the CHDK software is involved,
is in fact very similar in operation to USB-HPD. For example it is routed through the cameras GPIO
interface and is controlled via the ARM based control software.
I am also assuming that canon uses a similar devices to the Analoue Devices HDMI chip sets, as used
for Audio. (Ref's are in the Firmware)
I am also assuming that Canon uses FOUR I2C Buses,
* Two Internal, A low speed GP_Bus and A high speed Image_Control_Bus.
* Two External, related to the HDMI, control, stuff.
* I am attempting only to have some sort of control over the external HDMI, control, stuff.
* USB-HPD is a canon "Playback" only firmware device, that is CHDK hacked for shooting, etc.
* HDMI-HPD is a canon "Playback" only firmware device, that could be CHDK hacked for shooting, etc.
* HDMI-CEC is a canon "Playback" only firmware device, that could be CHDK hacked for Camera
Communications, etc and may up to be 10,000 times faster than the USB-HPD method.
~~~~actual verified information~~~~
* USB-HPD, Canon "Playback", is a poorly defined interface subject to change without notice.
* HDMI-HPD, Canon "Playback", is a defined interface, but subject to change without notice.
* USB-HPD, and HDMI-HPD have some observable, software (

), delays.
* USB-HPD, and HDMI-HPD both have complicated and documented control protocols.
* USB-HPD, and HDMI-HPD, for CHDK-Remote, utilises only the very lowest of these control protocols.
It is very clear from posts on other forums that is a rapidly expanding interest in HDMI, I2C, HDMI-CEC.
Also There is a growing supply of, simple, low cost, Hardware related Devices.
And There is a growing supply of, simple, low cost, Control and Testing Software.