A570IS for Aerial Photography with RC plane. - General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases - CHDK Forum

A570IS for Aerial Photography with RC plane.

  • 5 Replies
A570IS for Aerial Photography with RC plane.
« on: 23 / April / 2008, 21:17:42 »
  What build should I use to create a script for the a570? I've heard that there is no documentation for the allbest builds, and the info is scattered around so much, that its hard to get a handle on what to use.

Basically all I want at this point, is a script that will:
Autostart (has to be easy to get going in the field)
Set the shutter priority to 1/800 or thereabouts.
Auto ISO? or set to 80 or lower.
Take pictures every 5 seconds or so until the card is full.
Don't know much about bracketing, so not sure if I need this or not.

The aim is to take clear (not blurry) shots from a slow moving RC plane.

I've tried a couple of interval scripts, but they didn't seem to work well.



Offline fbonomi

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    • Francesco Bonomi
Re: A570IS for Aerial Photography with RC plane.
« Reply #1 on: 24 / April / 2008, 02:18:21 »
I've tried a couple of interval scripts, but they didn't seem to work well.

Why? What problems did you meet?

A basic interval script is what I would suggest, together with a fast Tv-Mode


Offline zeno

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Re: A570IS for Aerial Photography with RC plane.
« Reply #2 on: 24 / April / 2008, 04:28:39 »
Kite Aerial Photography requires the same sort of scripts - you'll find a good example in this thread

A570, S100, Ixus 127

Re: A570IS for Aerial Photography with RC plane.
« Reply #3 on: 24 / April / 2008, 07:33:10 »
I've tried a couple of interval scripts, but they didn't seem to work well.

Why? What problems did you meet?

A basic interval script is what I would suggest, together with a fast Tv-Mode

The Interval scripts did take pictues, but the results were not too good. I probably didn't have some of the intitial settings correct or something. Anyway, I got quite a few blurry images, many were over exposed.

I have the autoboot thing going now.
I am looking at the KAP script.
How would I go about removing the bracketing and zooming?
in this script it has:
@param e Zoom bracket on=1 or off=0
@default e 1

would I just change this to:
@param e Zoom bracket on=1 or off=0
@default e 0

I also just want to always shoot in wide.


Offline fbonomi

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  • A570IS SD1100/Ixus80
    • Francesco Bonomi
Re: A570IS for Aerial Photography with RC plane.
« Reply #4 on: 24 / April / 2008, 08:15:25 »
It's not a problem of the script, then, it's a problem of shooting parameters.

Set the camera so that it shots properly, then run a VERY simple script.

in detail...

> blurry images
blurry as in "moved" or as in "out of focus?"

if they are moved: try to set a very hi Tv (1/1250). Also, bear in mind that the airplane is vibrating terribly because of the engine (much more than a kite).

I have read that you need to put the engine to the minimum in order to shoot, so that virations are reduced

If they are out of focus: set manual focus mode, set focus to infinity (good idea anyway, there is nothing close to the camera up there)

Once you have set the camera FIRST, then keep the script as simple as possible:

Code: [Select]
@title simple Interval
@param c Interval (Seconds)
@default c 10


sleep c*1000

goto "loop"

untested, but so simple it should work :-)

Re: A570IS for Aerial Photography with RC plane.
« Reply #5 on: 25 / April / 2008, 18:57:10 »
Well, here is what I have for now. Seems to work pretty well, but have yet to fly it. (Too windy here). :(

Code: [Select]
rem RC Plane Aerial Photography Script
rem For Canon A570IS
rem Camera must be in TV (Shutter priority mode)
rem as written sets shutter to 1/800
rem and sets focus to infinity
rem and takes a photo every 5 seconds

@title A570 RC.BAS Script
@param a Shoot count
@default a 300
@param b Interval (Minutes)
@default b 0
@param c Interval (Seconds)
@default c 5


rem reset camera
sleep d
click "menu"
sleep d
click "right"
sleep d
click "up"
sleep d
click "set"
sleep d
click "right"
sleep d
click "set"
sleep 3000

rem Set Shutter Speed to 1/800
sleep d
click "right"
sleep d
click "right"
sleep d
click "right"
sleep d
click "right"
sleep d
click "right"
sleep d
click "right"
sleep d
click "right"
sleep d
click "right"

rem set menu values
sleep d
click "set"
sleep d
click "right"
sleep d
click "set"
sleep d
click "set"
sleep d
click "down"
sleep d
click "down"
sleep d
click "down"
sleep d
click "down"
sleep d
click "down"
sleep d
click "down"
sleep d
click "left"
sleep d
click "set"

rem select manual focus
sleep d
click "down"
sleep d
click "down"
sleep d

rem set focus to infinity
for n=1 to 10
sleep d
click "right"
next n

if a<2 then let a=10
if t<1000 then let t=1000

print "Total time:", t*a/60000; "min", t*a%60000/1000; "sec"

sleep 3000

rem turn off display
click "display"
click "display"

for n=2 to a
    sleep t
next n



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