shoot_full to shoot_half - Feature Requests - CHDK Forum

shoot_full to shoot_half

  • 6 Replies
shoot_full to shoot_half
« on: 07 / December / 2007, 14:52:01 »
As has been pointed out elsewhere, when in continuous shooting mode, you can keep the shutter release halfway down between indvidual shots to control the number of shots instead of hold it all the way down continuously or releasing completely and resetting your bracketing.  It seems that this can't be emulated in scripting, it seems that once the "shoot_full" command is engaged, the current press "shoot_half" gets cancelled, so the camera returns to the unpressed state.  Would ther be a way in the code to add this as a feature, a command that releases a shoot_full only to shoot_half?  This would enable making scripts which utilise the continuous mode and bracketing, but with a set number of frames.

Re: shoot_full to shoot_half
« Reply #1 on: 07 / December / 2007, 15:11:13 »
Did you try it in all the various flavors?

click "shoot_half"
press "shoot_half"
release "shoot_half"

click "shoot_full"
press "shoot_full"
release "shoot_full"

I've not tried it yet (busy doing so many other things right now) but some combo and sleep sequence might work.

Maybe a press "shoot_half", click "shoot_full", sleep 500, (do some counter), release "shoot_half".

When first writing scripts I found out how touchy some delays needed to be and when the proper order of events had to take place.

Code: [Select]
press "shoot_half"

sleep 500

 for x=1 to 10
   click "shoot_full"
   sleep 500
 next x

sleep 500

release "shoot_half"

Is how I might approach it, for starters.

I tried different variations, but the shoot_half gets released or overidden when the shoot_full is activated whether by press, click, release.


Offline GrAnd

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Re: shoot_full to shoot_half
« Reply #2 on: 07 / December / 2007, 15:31:31 »
It seems impossible right now. I can explain.

The shutter button has three states and corresponding keyboard bit-mask:
* released - 00
* half-pressed - 01
* full-pressed - 11
As you can see, if the shutter is full-pressed, it's still half-pressed.

Then, the commands:
"press" - sets a bit(s) using bit-mask
"release" - clears a bit(s)
"click" - just executes "press" and then "release"

So, it's impossible to get half-press mask if full-press mask was applied.
Just the example:
Code: [Select]
Initial state:  0 0
    Action             State
press   "half_shoot"    0 1
release "half_shoot"    0 0

press   "full_shoot"    1 1
release "full_shoot"    0 0

press   "half_shoot"    0 1
press   "full_shoot"    1 1
release "full_shoot"    0 0

press   "half_shoot"    0 1
press   "full_shoot"    1 1
release "half_shoot"    1 0    <- incorrect combination (how it can be - the button state jumps over half-pressed direct to full-pressed?); camera ignores it
release "full_shoot"    0 0

press   "full_shoot"    1 1
release "??????????"    0 1    <- you need this state, but no button/mask for this command
release "full_shoot"    0 0

If you try to execute the following sequence:
Code: [Select]
press   "full_shoot"    1 1
release "full_shoot"    0 0
press   "half_shoot"    0 1
, the camera do not miss 'release "full_shoot"' and will process it accordingly.
« Last Edit: 07 / December / 2007, 15:33:09 by GrAnd »
CHDK Developer.

Re: shoot_full to shoot_half
« Reply #3 on: 07 / December / 2007, 15:54:27 »
It seems impossible right now. I can explain.

I understand why it doesn't work in the scripting, but do you mean it's also impossible in the firmware code because of this?
Somehow the camera is able to transition from half to full and back again without resetting to the full release state.


Offline GrAnd

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Re: shoot_full to shoot_half
« Reply #4 on: 07 / December / 2007, 16:01:27 »
It's possible in general. Right now just the absence of appropriate coded bit-mask and corresponding name of (pseudo-)button stops you.
CHDK Developer.


Offline GrAnd

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Re: shoot_full to shoot_half
« Reply #5 on: 07 / December / 2007, 16:07:36 »
0 1

1 0   :P

And this pseudo-button should be used only with "release" command.
CHDK Developer.


Offline GrAnd

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Re: shoot_full to shoot_half
« Reply #6 on: 07 / December / 2007, 16:36:29 »
Could tihs release "to_half" be obtained by setting some prop_id at the moment?
No. These are keyboard flags (no relations with PropertyCases at all).
CHDK Developer.


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