Bracketing in continous mode using timer - Feature Requests - CHDK Forum

Bracketing in continous mode using timer

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Offline papaone

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Bracketing in continous mode using timer
« on: 26 / April / 2008, 12:14:23 »
Is it possible now or would anyone be interested in creating a script which would allow auto bracketing either + or -  or even both of say 10 shots triggered by a 5,10,20 second or even longer delay on the self timer?.

Such a feature would make HDR shots easier to capture  when using a fisheye or 360 lens when  you don't  want to appear in-shot because at the moment you have to hold down the button. (720is).


Offline fudgey

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Re: Bracketing in continous mode using timer
« Reply #1 on: 26 / April / 2008, 14:16:36 »
Put your camera into custom timer drive mode (exists at least on my a570is) with your desired delay (0 to 30 s or similar in my camera) and number of shots (10 max on my camera) and use CHDK built-in continous mode bracketing (+, - or +/- as you wish) from the extra photo operations menu.

Re: Bracketing in continous mode using timer
« Reply #2 on: 26 / April / 2008, 14:39:24 »
+/- 10 shots?! What for?

BTW, the camera allows you to shoot in burst mode 1-10 shots, with a delay between 0 and 30 seconds before the sequence. No scripts needed. You can go as far as +10EV/-10EV. It's also fast.


Offline papaone

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Re: Bracketing in continous mode using timer
« Reply #3 on: 26 / April / 2008, 20:07:47 »
Put your camera into custom timer drive mode (exists at least on my a570is) with your desired delay (0 to 30 s or similar in my camera) and number of shots (10 max on my camera) and use CHDK built-in continous mode bracketing (+, - or +/- as you wish) from the extra photo operations menu.

These  features are not present on 720is, I can bracket within CHDK but I need to keep my finger on the button.

+/- 10 shots?! What for?

BTW, the camera allows you to shoot in burst mode 1-10 shots, with a delay between 0 and 30 seconds before the sequence. No scripts needed. You can go as far as +10EV/-10EV. It's also fast.

10 shots was just a number that would be useful to me,  5 might be OK  but up to 10 would be ideal for me and maybe of use to someone else who would play around with HDR.
CHDK takes care of the bracketing, BUT YOU STILL HAVE TO MANUALLY HOLD DOWN THE SHUTTER otherwise you only get 1 shot.

Experienced this and re-read page 87 in Canon manual.

Regards to both,



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Re: Bracketing in continous mode using timer
« Reply #4 on: 26 / April / 2008, 20:23:24 »
I don't understand your problem but maybe this will help,929.0.html.

Re: Bracketing in continous mode using timer
« Reply #5 on: 26 / April / 2008, 21:24:03 »
These  features are not present on 720is, I can bracket within CHDK but I need to keep my finger on the button.

Ok... a HDR script worked just fine for me, if you have access to a manual EV mode, leave the cursor on that setting (the EV slider) and activate the HDR bracketing script.

In my experience, using 3 brackets spaced 2EV apart is 99% sufficient for the A570IS, because at +3/-3EV little information is present beyond those values.

Also, getting the right settings, ISO and clarity, and of course the right subject means I get enough quality with just 3 brackets instead of 5-6-whatever and bad setup.

Re: Bracketing in continous mode using timer
« Reply #6 on: 27 / April / 2008, 01:24:36 »
What fudgey has mentioned is correct. This is the easiest way for bracketing.

Custom timer is present in 720is
Please read page 66 of your manual under the head "Use the self timer"

Use it as fudgey has mentioned. This feature was a surprise discovery by a member of this forum a few days back. You won't require a script if you limit to 10 exposures.


Offline papaone

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Re: Bracketing in continous mode using timer
« Reply #7 on: 27 / April / 2008, 06:22:08 »
Thanks very much to you all, I was so engrossed with the "Contiouous Mode"  I never thought about the self timer feature.

Regards to all.

Papaone. :D :D :D


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