I have a PowerShot SD750 that I am trying to do DOF bracketing with. When I go into the "Bracketing in Continuous Mode" menu I do not see the option available. Every screenshot I've seen online has it, but in mine it is just missing.
I upgraded CHDK to the latest build of 1.2.0 and that didn't seem to help. Is it possible that my camera just does not support this feature so it is not listed? I have searched Google and this forum all day, and while I haven't seen anything to suggest that may be the issue the search terms are very generic and I've read a lot of stuff that is of no importance to my situation, so it's possible I could have skimmed over something or just not come across the right page at all (on the plus side, my understanding of some of the more esoteric features of CHDK has blossomed today!)