one of the first things I tried with my A720 was to read the keyboard button state to get some minimal interactivity during my tests.
Unfortunately the address never changed its content.
In a loop I read 0xC0220200, -04 and -08 as indicated in CHDK.
The memory region doesn't seem to have changed since the A720 Firmware reads them, as well. See:
ROM:FFC37034 GetKbdState ; CODE XREF: sub_FFC130CC+24p
ROM:FFC37034 LDR R1, =0xC0220000
ROM:FFC37038 LDR R2, [R1,#0x200]
ROM:FFC3703C STR R2, [R0]
ROM:FFC37040 LDR R2, [R1,#0x204]
ROM:FFC37044 STR R2, [R0,#4]
ROM:FFC37048 LDR R1, [R1,#0x208]
ROM:FFC3704C MOV R1, R1,LSL#16
ROM:FFC37050 MOV R1, R1,LSR#16
ROM:FFC37054 STR R1, [R0,#8]
ROM:FFC37058 ; End of function GetKbdState
Now I wonder if the keyboard needs some initialization?