SX260-HS - Intervalometer crash due to Memory Card Error - Hello, I'm a NEWBIE - HELP!! (Newbies assistance, User Guides and thank you notes) - CHDK Forum

SX260-HS - Intervalometer crash due to Memory Card Error

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Offline AndyC

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SX260-HS - Intervalometer crash due to Memory Card Error
« on: 17 / September / 2014, 20:23:20 »
I'm trying to use CHDK to control my camera (SX260-HS; Firmware 1.01A) for aerial photography. I've been able to solve most of the issues I've encountered so far, but I'm now totally stumped and would really appreciate any help anyone can give.

Every time I start a script running, after about 8-12 shots my camera crashes; usually there's a 'Memory Card Error' message, sometimes there's a message in blue text saying the camera will shut down in X seconds unless I half depress the shutter, and occasionally it shuts down (with the lens still extended, and the green memory card LED still flashing).

I don't think the problem lies with the script, because it is exactly the same for about seven different scripts, both intervalometer triggered via external pulses from the USB, irrespective of triggering once a second or once every three seconds. I'm using a SanDisk Extreme 16 Gb 45 MB/s, so the transfer speed shouldn't be a limiting factor. Thinking my CHDK might have corrupted, I've tried reformatting the memory card and reloading the CHDK, and also tried a different memory card. (I'm using CHDK sx260hs-101a-1.2.0-3537-full_ALPHA, and I've attached one of the USB trigger scripts I've been using).

Has anyone got any idea what might be causing my problem?

« Last Edit: 17 / September / 2014, 20:48:19 by AndyC »

Re: SX260-HS - Intervalometer crash due to Memory Card Error
« Reply #1 on: 17 / September / 2014, 20:29:18 »
I don't think the problem lies with the script, because it is exactly the same for about seven different scripts, both intervalometer triggered via external pulses from the USB, irrespective of triggering once a second or once every three seconds. I'm using a SanDisk Extreme 16 Gb 45 MB/s, so the transfer speed shouldn't be a limiting factor.
I don't think you are going to get shot rates much under three seconds. And if you are trying to use RAW/DNG it will be even slower than that.  Even with a really good SD card.

That may not be the problem, but as a test  try pressing the shutter button once per second and see what happens?   Also,  try triggering the USB once every 10 seconds and see what happens?
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Offline AndyC

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Re: SX260-HS - Intervalometer crash due to Memory Card Error
« Reply #2 on: 17 / September / 2014, 21:12:39 »
Thanks for your help WWZ.

I've previously had an intervalometer script capturing one shot every ~2.7 seconds (with auto focusing and re-evaluating exposure), and, using the 'fast_shooter.lua' script (without autofocusing or exposure reevaluation) around a shot a second.
Although 2.7 seconds would be okay, I'm optimistic it can be improved by locking the focus (as discussed at; however, I need to resolve the cause of the terminal error before optimize my script.

Manually pushing the shutter takes one frame every ~0.9 seconds, for over 30 frames, which I'd interpret as indicated the problem isn't with buffer capacity/write speed... and I just triggered via the USB at 1 shot per ~10 seconds for 20 shots with no problem, which seems to suggest the issue occurs when the rate increases???


Re: SX260-HS - Intervalometer crash due to Memory Card Error
« Reply #3 on: 17 / September / 2014, 22:25:25 »
I just triggered via the USB at 1 shot per ~10 seconds for 20 shots with no problem, which seems to suggest the issue occurs when the rate increases???
Try putting a
Code: [Select]
after the shoot statement and see what happens?

You could also try enabling the built-in USB remote functionality ( Switch Type : OnePush &  Control Mode:Normal ) and triggering that way at 1 or 3 seconds per shot (no script running and not in <ALT> mode).
« Last Edit: 17 / September / 2014, 22:27:33 by waterwingz »
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Offline AndyC

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Re: SX260-HS - Intervalometer crash due to Memory Card Error
« Reply #4 on: 18 / September / 2014, 00:36:00 »
I hadn't know about the built-in USB trigger support, thanks for pointing that out it's useful to know.
However, the camera still crashes using that after ~10-20 frames. I added the sleep term to my USB trigger= script, but that to still crashes (with either (i) the threatened shutdown without user input to the shutter button, or (ii) with a memory card error).  :(

If I can solve this problem, I'm hoping to employ your KAP-UAV script; although I'm only halfway through reading it's history, it looks like a lot of effort has gone into it and it works well for many people so I'd be a fool not to work with it.

(btw, I'm not trying to record RAW/DNG. I can't even see how my copy of the CHDK could have corrupted, as the problem stemmed from a copy on one memory card which had previously worked, and persisted when rewritten with the original download).
« Last Edit: 18 / September / 2014, 00:39:23 by AndyC »

Re: SX260-HS - Intervalometer crash due to Memory Card Error
« Reply #5 on: 18 / September / 2014, 09:46:58 »
I hadn't know about the built-in USB trigger support, thanks for pointing that out it's useful to know.

If I can solve this problem, I'm hoping to employ your KAP-UAV script; although I'm only halfway through reading it's history, it looks like a lot of effort has gone into it and it works well for many people so I'd be a fool not to work with it.
Sometimes it's fun to write your own scripts to do exactly what you want and to really learn how CHDK works.   Other times it's easier to just use something that is already done.   Or you can do a hybrid and modify something already done for your needs.   It's all good.

(btw, I'm not trying to record RAW/DNG. I can't even see how my copy of the CHDK could have corrupted, as the problem stemmed from a copy on one memory card which had previously worked, and persisted when rewritten with the original download).
So given this issue has not been reported before, I think that these are the most likely sources of the problem in order from most to least likely:
  • SD card problem - rereading this thread I don't see you mentioning trying another card.
  • Camera hardware problem.  That would suck if true
  • Camera setup issue - some Canon shooting / focussing / exposure / scene mode you are using that triggers these issues.  You could try a camera reset via the Canon menu entry that says "Reset All.."
  • CHDK setup issue - some CHDK mode you set (maybe by accident while learning) that triggers these issues.  You could try a CHDK reset via the CHDK Settings menu -> "Reset Options to Default..."
  • User error - something in how you are setting up & using CHDK that you don't realize is different / problematic.
  • Problem with the CHDK port for the SX260.
  • Problem with your script. I think you mentioned trying other scripts though?
Do any of those seem possible ?

I added the sleep term to my USB trigger= script, but that to still crashes (with either (i) the threatened shutdown without user input to the shutter button, or (ii) with a memory card error).  :(
Try making the sleep a lot longer?  sleep(10000) ?  Not that you want to use something that slow but it will tell us something about it being a timing problem.
« Last Edit: 18 / September / 2014, 10:01:39 by waterwingz »
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Offline srsa_4c

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Re: SX260-HS - Intervalometer crash due to Memory Card Error
« Reply #6 on: 18 / September / 2014, 16:49:28 »
Every time I start a script running, after about 8-12 shots my camera crashes; usually there's a 'Memory Card Error' message, sometimes there's a message in blue text saying the camera will shut down in X seconds unless I half depress the shutter,
Isn't this ECO mode where the cam goes to "sleep" when not used for a few seconds? (Not sure whether this camera has ECO mode yet.)
and occasionally it shuts down (with the lens still extended, and the green memory card LED still flashing).
Can you run the following 2-line Lua script (firminfo.lua):
Code: [Select]
Enable native calls before running it: Miscellaneous stuff -> Enable Lua native calls [.]
After executing firminfo.lua, you'll find a firminfo.txt on the card. The error messages (if any) might give some hints.
You can also try to make a romlog: "Miscellaneous stuff" -> "Debug parameters" -> "Save rom crash log".


Offline AndyC

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Re: SX260-HS - Intervalometer crash due to Memory Card Error
« Reply #7 on: 18 / September / 2014, 22:29:58 »
So the good news is that although this problem's been happening for weeks, this morning both intervalometer and USB trigger scripts are now running fine (for a couple of minutes). :D

The bad news is I hadn’t yet tried implementing any of the solutions outlined, so the problem may well come back, in which case I'll try the steps you've both suggested and report back. :(

With regards to your useful list of  'possible causes' list Waterwingz:
1. SD card problem - rereading this thread I don't see you mentioning trying another card.
I have tried with another (identical) card, but the intermittent problem persists (see initial post).

2. Camera hardware problem.  That would suck if true
Agreed, so I’m going to see if the problem stays away and if not then exhaust all other options before resorting to buying a new camera.

3. Camera setup issue - some Canon shooting / focussing / exposure / scene mode you are using that triggers these issues.  You could try a camera reset via the Canon menu entry that says "Reset All.."
Sounds sensible, I’d try this if the problem hadn’t disappeared.

4. CHDK setup issue - some CHDK mode you set (maybe by accident while learning) that triggers these issues.  You could try a CHDK reset via the CHDK Settings menu -> "Reset Options to Default..."
Sounds sensible, I’d try this if the problem hadn’t disappeared.

5. User error - something in how you are setting up & using CHDK that you don't realize is different / problematic.
Certainly possible; however, in reviewing the steps I took to determine my camera specifications and install the CHDK originally I haven't found anything I missed.

6. Problem with the CHDK port for the SX260.
That had occurred to me, as it would seem a reasonable explanation; however, I’ve seen many others using CHDK on SX260-HS over the last few years without any reporting this issue. Is it possible to record some kind of log file, to help us narrow down what exactly causing this error (maybe this would help clarify whether the issue stems from the port…)? EDIT: I think this is what's been suggested by srsa_4c, again, I'll try this if the problem reappears.

7. Problem with your script. I think you mentioned trying other scripts though?
That’s correct, I have tried several different scripts (including several in widespread usage, many of which already include a sleep term of 50 to 1500 ms), and the issue persists.

Thanks for the input srsa_4c. AFAIK the SX260-HS doesn't have an Eco Mode (this is touted as one of the big improvements of the SX280-HS...), but it might have an equivalent which would explain one of the problem behaviors (although not why it's intermittent). If my problem returns, I'll try enabling the logging you've suggested, and report back.

(on a side note, just hoping to clarify best practice, I've seen several users on the DIY Drones forum state that Canon’s built-in Image Stabilisation [IS] cannot correct for with the vibration properties of multicopter airframes, and therefore, somewhat counterintuitively, when enabled it often actually degrades image quality. This contrasts with the advice I seen several times in this forum, where IS is recommended to help manage UAV-associated vibration issues).

Thanks, Andy


Offline AndyC

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Re: SX260-HS - Intervalometer crash due to Memory Card Error
« Reply #8 on: 19 / September / 2014, 17:04:08 »
As expected, the problem has reappeared, so I've tried three of the four suggested steps, starting with the logging as I figure it'd be useful to know why this is happening as well as solving it:

1) Run the firminfo.lua script suggested by srsa_4c. The resultant FirmInfo.txt (attached) indicates several "E18 ZoomLensSpeedError" events some weeks ago, but nothing dated to the last week which is when I've been encountering these problems. Can this event_proc log 'fill up'? Is there something I should do to empty it to allow it to display more recent events?

2) I've saved a ROMLOG (attached); non-of the messages caught my attention, but I really don't know what I'm looking it needs attention from someone knowledgeable.

3) Resetting Canon settings; after hitting 'reset all', the problem has disappeared (for both intervalometer scripts and a USB trigger script). I cannot yet tell whether this is permanent, as the problems been intermittent before. I'll continue testing as I readjust the Canon settings.

4) didn't need to resent CHDK settings - yet


Offline srsa_4c

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Re: SX260-HS - Intervalometer crash due to Memory Card Error
« Reply #9 on: 19 / September / 2014, 17:30:00 »
Your attachments have zero length.
Are you able to shoot in continuous mode (shutter held down) when CHDK is loaded?

"Memory card error" message and forever blinking LED can be a possible consequence of an improper "filewritetask" modification (this CHDK port modifies* the firmware's "filewritetask" in order to make remote shooting over PTP possible). However, this feature is there since a long time and we have not seen bug reports like yours.

You can try to dump the camera's firmware and upload it somewhere, so we could check whether it seems corrupted or not.

* Modification is done in runtime, the firmware in ROM is not modified.
« Last Edit: 19 / September / 2014, 17:46:55 by srsa_4c »


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