Hi All, my first post, so picked up a cheap canon A490 on the bay, managed all the steps to put CHDK 1.2 onto a 16gig card, using acid then stick, made it easier than I expected. All good.
I now have a partitioned card, CHDK boots no problems....... untill..... well I would like to save raw's, can manage the CR2 & JPG in the same directory bit, usb camera to lappy, win7 64bit and can open the folder and see/pull off the JPG's & CR2's. But no info in the CR2's these are CHDK raw's. Unable to master dng4ps2-0.2.3-beta26 to convert to DNG's.
Take the option to save the raw's in DNG format & DNG extender, using the same usb as above these files are somehow invisible, I have added the latest Adobe codec but unless I pull the card, use a card reader and wasp to swap the active partition..... then the DNG files are there all along, including some exif info...... good but a faf, change the active partition back, lock the card and back into camera to use again.
So (I know you were waiting for this bit) what do I need to do to allow the DNG raw's to show in explorer along side the CR2's & JPG's when usb connected to windows so I can just pull them across. (I also used my xp box and got the same result).
I hope there is a solution but am thinking this is just the way it is. Thanks for your time.