Canon SX50HS - where the heck is the "Update Firmware" menu? - General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases - CHDK Forum

Canon SX50HS - where the heck is the "Update Firmware" menu?

  • 2 Replies
Canon SX50HS - where the heck is the "Update Firmware" menu?
« on: 26 / October / 2014, 23:40:29 »
Hi guys,

Just trying to get CHDK running on my SX50HS.

I've read the instructions and have everything on my SD card, ready to go, but for the life of me I can't find the "Update Firmware" option in any of the menus of the SX50.

My camera has firmware revision 1.00c

Any help, or comments, appreciated!



Re: Canon SX50HS - where the heck is the "Update Firmware" menu?
« Reply #1 on: 26 / October / 2014, 23:50:50 »
What instructions did you follow ? 

Did you by chance read any of this :   It's pretty much the only up-to-date and accurate source of information about installing CHDK.

And as far as the "Update Firmware" option ... which is more commonly called the  "Firmware Update" option (after the "Firm Update" menu option in the Canon menus) .. you only get to see that when :

  • There is a ps.fi2 file in the root directory of your SD card (for recent cameras like the sx50hs)
  • You start the camera by pressing the playback button  (not the On/Off button)
  • You immediately press the MENU button and scroll to the bottom of the first Canon menu that appears.

You really do want to read the stuff at the link I posted here - especially the part at the top about using STICK to setup your SD card and install CHDK so that it will autoboot.


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Re: Canon SX50HS - where the heck is the "Update Firmware" menu?
« Reply #2 on: 27 / October / 2014, 02:50:05 »

Thanks for the prompt response.

I was following the instructions in the link you posted.

When I checked the SD card, the ps.fi2 file was missing. I copied it and all is now fine!




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