--[[@title Spektrum@param w Schrittweite@default w 20@param s Schritte@default s 15 --]]while 1~=get_prop(6) do click("left") sleep(1000)endif 7~=get_zoom() then press("zoom_in") sleep(3000) release("zoom_in")endset_led(7,1)sleep(3000)play_sound(6)sleep(2000)set_led(7,0)press("shoot_half")sleep(2000)f=get_focus()release("shoot_half")a=(f-(s*w/2))e=(f+(s*w/2))print("get_focus="..get_focus())for f=a, e, w do set_focus(f) sleep(1000) click("shoot_full_only") sleep(1500)end
I did start the script on the camera itself and it worked! It doesnt work with chdkptp and loadfile ;-(
w=20 s=15
I already just did. it somehow worked but now it doesnt WTF?
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