That's still an SDM uBASIC script. The quick look I had at the SDM focus code in the last two most recent release leads me to believe it is quite different than any CHDK implementation. I don't know whether that's better or worse and may depend on the camera model. But I'm not going to try to reach any conclusions about CHDK MF functionality based on testing data from SDM.
Agree. This was just to illustrate that I don't have any issue when manually focussing immediately after an AF shot made with SD < infinity.
You are going to need a Lua version to do that.
Unless winter weather is really bad and nothing else to do, I'm afraid lua will be too complex for me ;-) It took me so long to get there with mbasic !
had a test session in canon MF mode this afternoon. results summary hereunder.
for this test 81 pics were taken.
camera was set up manually in MF and focus made at infinity with the jogwheel.
camera set in TV mode with speed at 1/800 to limit move blur. (wind was not strong, quite steady but pull on the line was not very strong)
script used is joined. unless I'm wrong it does not include any command for focus.
the first 3 pics are acceptable, then starting on pic4 the blur is important for the next 45 pics. I would say 2-3 would be seen as acceptable.
unless I'm wrong all these pics have been taken on regular basis to avoid the camera to enter playback mode, on shorter zomm pos.
during this phase the focus bar was visible and stayed full.
here is a link to a pic where the line is present. It shows clearly that focus is not made at infinity. pic 48 I've waited more than a minute, in order to have the camera entering playback mode, to check wether this has an impact.
then started shooting again.
the focus bar disappeared.
most of the pics are acceptable. I used zoom in and out, without visible impact on focus.
a good pic. 4 pics are not so good and apparently focus has shifted again
this is visible in this pic, on the kite line: focus seems to be done at the lower part of the line a summary, I would say the first part is not OK, for unknown reasons,
and for also unknown reasons the second part could be considered as OK, until another change in focus at the end.
This confirm what I previously experiment with other MF scripts (although in SDM).