WaterWingz, thanks for the help!
I've downloaded STICK and tried to use it to install CHDK, but it fails when I try to format and load CHDK.
Here is the STICK log output:
Preparing Drive D: 64GB - please wait ...
Formatting D: as FAT32
Command 'format D: /fs:FAT32 /v:BOOT /y /q' issued
return code was 4
Output: 'The type of the file system is EXFAT.
The new file system is FAT32.
QuickFormatting 59.5 GB
The volume is too big for FAT32.
Format failed.'
Installation failed - see log for details
When I check the properties of the SD card after doing the above, Windows Explorer says the format is still EXFAT (which the STICK web pages says doesn't work).
Anybody have any suggestions?
Thanks in advance!