Would it make sense to set the minimum to zero and the maximum to the test result of the camera with the longest focal lenght?
Based on the formula (fl*fl)/(F*coc)+fl I have calculated the maximum of the hyperfocal lenght for all cameras of the SX series.Cam FL F COC Hyp CAM_MAX_DIST
SX1 100,0 5,7 0,005 350977 65535
SX10 100,0 5,7 0,005 350977 65535
SX20 100,0 5,7 0,005 350977 66490
SX30 150,5 5,8 0,005 781194 9090910
SX40 150,5 5,8 0,005 781194 9523810
SX50 215,0 6,5 0,005 1422523 9523810
SX60 247,0 6,5 0,005 1877447
SX100 60,0 4,3 0,005 167502 65535
SX110 60,0 4,3 0,005 167502 65535
SX120 60,0 4,3 0,005 167502 65535
SX130 60,0 5,6 0,005 128631 65535
SX150 60,0 5,6 0,005 128631 65535
SX160 80,0 5,9 0,005 217029 65535
SX170 80,0 5,9 0,006 180871 65535
SX200 60,0 5,3 0,005 135909 68447
SX210 70,0 5,9 0,005 166172 65535
SX220/230 70,0 5,9 0,005 166172 2000000
SX240/260 90,0 6,8 0,005 238325 1550000
SX270/280 90,0 6,8 0,005 238325 65535
SX400 129,0 5,8 0,005 573957
SX500 129,0 5,8 0,005 573957 65535
SX510 129,0 5,8 0,006 478319 65535
SX520 180,6 6,0 0,005 1087393
The table shows the problem with CAMERA_MAX_DIST. There are also cameras of the other series affected (fl max > 40).
I think the correct setting of the hyperfocal distance is especially important for good landscape shots.