Clock Synchronization possible? - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum

Clock Synchronization possible?

  • 3 Replies
Clock Synchronization possible?
« on: 01 / May / 2008, 01:15:01 »
I am new here, so my apologies if this is truly covered already but I am looking to sync my Camera time with my PC time for Use with a Separate GPS (RBT-2300) that logs my travels.   would like to sync the time with less than 0.5 second difference for the purpose of geotagging. 
   I am afraid that this is going to fall under the category that seems to be "remote control via USB" but feel obligated to ask because after searching around I couldn't find anything addressing this issue directly.  Some articles seemed to point to "canon supplied software" but I could find nothing on their site for my camera which is an SD800-IS. 
   Anyhow I am very excited by this firmware in general and really appreciate everyones work here so far and into the future.  I am currently dabbling in HDR which is now opened up by shooting completely in RAW and some auto bracketing options seem available but I have not been able to figure them out yet.  Thanks in advance for any comments here. 
« Last Edit: 01 / May / 2008, 01:16:49 by the_engineer »


Offline whoever

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Re: Clock Synchronization possible?
« Reply #1 on: 01 / May / 2008, 05:25:29 »
Unfortunately, the answer most probably is: no, (currently) not possible. In order to sync, you need to communicate the time in some form to the camera, and to run a routine on the camera that makes the adjustment. It is the communication part that presents a problem. It is easily possible to detect the +5 signal on the USB bus and trigger some event accordingly (such as to take a shot), which is what all the "USB remote" story is about. But that's it. Well, I believe somebody tried, with limited success, to use this for a (slow, one-way) serial communication to the camera, which would probably suit your case, but there is nothing ready-made. You will have to write the code, on both ends, by yourself.

Else, PTP (Picture Transfer Protocol) as such does not provide for clock sync, as far as I am aware. Well, Canon's PTP implementation contains extensions (such as a possibility of remote capture), but they are undocumented of course. Finally, Canon implements a proprietary DCP protocol, which presumably gives full control, but it is totally unexplored. There is even nothing to reverse-engineer, as there is no available software that uses the protocol.

Re: Clock Synchronization possible?
« Reply #2 on: 02 / May / 2008, 07:03:24 »
... You will have to write the code, on both ends, by yourself. 
I thank you for your reply and admit fully that I have zero programming experience so this sounds like more than leaping a tall building with a single bound.  ie, probably not going to happen even though i'm actually pretty gung-ho about this whole thing.  But I apreciate you frank honesty!

on the second part of your post,
... Finally, Canon implements a proprietary DCP protocol, which presumably gives full control, but it is totally unexplored. There is even nothing to reverse-engineer, as there is no available software that uses the protocol.

When you say the phrase "canon implements" what is implied here that I am missing.  If there is no software that uses this protocol, how is it 'implemented' ? 


Offline whoever

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Re: Clock Synchronization possible?
« Reply #3 on: 02 / May / 2008, 09:09:24 »
I thank you for your reply and admit fully that I have zero programming experience so this sounds like more than leaping a tall building with a single bound.  ie, probably not going to happen even though i'm actually pretty gung-ho about this whole thing.  But I apreciate you frank honesty!

What I meant was discussed here. Maybe try to contact the guy.

When you say the phrase "canon implements" what is implied here that I am missing.  If there is no software that uses this protocol, how is it 'implemented' ? 

Implemented in camera's firmware. Apparently, there must exist software that utilizes the protocol and that Canon uses internally for their twisted purposes. But they are not exactly willing to share it, or release a hacker's programming guide.


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