Why after i make all steps to put chdk,i lock card , my S5IS is dead don't work? - General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases - CHDK Forum

Why after i make all steps to put chdk,i lock card , my S5IS is dead don't work?

  • 4 Replies

Offline bea

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About this who can help me!!!please i am biginer


Offline PhyrePhoX

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    • PhyreWorX
what do you mean by dead?
what steps did you make so far?
tried taking out the batteries?
unlock the card and everything should be back to normal. maybe you picked the wrong chdk, there are TWO versions for the s5is, as there are to firmwares present.


Offline BB

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Here is a very focused readme.txt file that I wrote to help new users of CHDK (of which I am one too) get it on their camera--it is written for the A720IS--but the procedure is identical for the S5is.

See what you think (probably some typos and/or grammar issues--I have not gone back to fix just yet--trying to get a little more feedback on how helpful the readme file is).



Offline bea

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thanks for your replay. dead is mean that doen't work my camera don;t work to shoot mode or view mode.I make the bootable of the card with other program named "cardtricks125" only this step is diffrent then waht is in "read text"  I wonder what is the problem  I use a 512 MB card SD.


Offline BB

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Assuming that everything in general is OK with your S5--Then it sounds like you got the card formated, made bootable, copied DISKBOOT.BIN to the correct location, and set the "write protect" switch to "protected/locked".

I am guessing this, because your camera appears to have "locked up" because it tried to load the DISKBOOT.BIN file...

So, next things to try. Have you checked the Camera's software version number with the empty "ver.req" file created on the SD card and got back a result (from the Wiki link below):

Please note! your camera's firmware version is NOT or! It's a number that looks similar to this example: 1.01e. If you get a number like, then you did not do it properly. Try again.


Now, the S5IS firmware that is currently supported (this is the AllBest CHDK variant):

Index of /chdk/


If your camera comes back with ver.req=1.01a and you loaded 1.01b--you need to download the correct version of firmware.

If you can't get the "ver.req" stuff to work, just download the other S5 CHDK firmware version and give it a shot--will not hurt your camera--the worst that will happen is what you see now (camera locks up, usually need to remove the batteries for a couple seconds).

If that does not work, then either you have some other version of firmware that has yet to be ported (and if the CHDK community does not know about it, you can dump your own firmware and place it here for somebody to port that version).

If you have the correct firmware and still have problems--make sure you have copied the DISKBOOT.BIN file over and the the .ZIP file renamed, or some other issue that may have corrupted the DISKBOOT.BIN file...

About all I can think of at the moment. Hope it helps.



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