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Help making CHDK and the forum better

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Re: Help making CHDK and the forum better
« Reply #10 on: 12 / May / 2008, 19:15:41 »

As always, I just need to know if the necessity is real or not, if by creating a new forum we are adding simplicity and not adding issues.


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Re: Help making CHDK and the forum better
« Reply #11 on: 23 / May / 2008, 06:08:44 »
I notice you're very busy right now, but if you get some time to fell if this is going to somewhere, please, tell me, do a criticism, make a tss tss... whatever.
Thanks anyway.
-- funny english, be aware -- CHDK for Dummies - The Very First Steps


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Re: Help making CHDK and the forum better
« Reply #12 on: 23 / May / 2008, 07:02:05 »

I took the liberty to change the link to CardTricks on zShare to the first post of the CT thread,
where the latest version should now always be reachable.


Re: Help making CHDK and the forum better
« Reply #13 on: 23 / May / 2008, 07:49:27 »
Some constructive crit on what you have so far-
Your explanation of firmware version as a variable to check while deciding which camera to purchase makes it sound scary, as if they're gambling. I suggest a note about the very few cameras that actually have a firmware version not suitable for CHDK. I also suggest a link to the chart that illustrates which cameras have which functionality enabled with CHDK, as there are some models, IIRC, that have limitations.

There already is a lot of great info in the preliminary/introductory pages. I believe that they simply need to be updated to include new info, new model info, and elaboration on topics that are most frequently asked about by new users.
I'm not saying by any means that you shouldn't proceed, but perhaps your efforts would be better spent incorporating what you have so far in to the original instead of starting from scratch?

I think more would get accomplished overall if there was a special "wiki editing unit" here. (Of course, I nominate you to head that, intrnst! :) lol)
If ten members would show 1/10th your interest and effort, the wiki would be up to date and user friendly in no time.

Just my 2 sense (pun intended), but I'm at your call to do what you think is best. ;)
Whoa-Hey! Careful where you point that thing. You're gonna shoot someone!


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Re: Help making CHDK and the forum better
« Reply #14 on: 23 / May / 2008, 10:00:50 »

Read you page completely now & edited spelling/grammar/unclear(?) formulations.
Just roll them back if you disagree  :D



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Re: Help making CHDK and the forum better
« Reply #15 on: 23 / May / 2008, 22:55:36 »
-- funny english, be aware -- CHDK for Dummies - The Very First Steps


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Re: Help making CHDK and the forum better
« Reply #16 on: 24 / May / 2008, 01:53:26 »
I think more would get accomplished overall if there was a special "wiki editing unit" here. (Of course, I nominate you to head that, intrnst! :) lol)

Kitty, don't you think that now I'll chicken out!
I have a background already...

Very true. The sad thing is that CHDK wikia has a lot of colaborators and almost none coordinator.
Heh. And I feel sorry for whoever takes that job on. :) There is a lot of info to be organized
Maybe again you get right to the point. Luckily I'm disqualified enough for such task. ;)

BTW: Firmware Version section added.

Could you dare write that bracketing section in the page?
Worst scenario, it will be used in another place. Your credits, always.
« Last Edit: 24 / May / 2008, 02:07:15 by intrnst »
-- funny english, be aware -- CHDK for Dummies - The Very First Steps

Re: Help making CHDK and the forum better
« Reply #17 on: 24 / May / 2008, 07:03:14 »
Could you dare write that bracketing section in the page?
Worst scenario, it will be used in another place. Your credits, always.
You mean for the DOF stacking?
So, am I right or maybe I should put these efforts on the already stablish wikia structure?
To change (a bit) or not to change, that's the question right now - I think.

Could somebody kindly answer it?
Well sure;
I've always thought the wiki pages were a bit over the top of my head when I first started messing around with CHDK. They're written by people well versed in CHDK as well as photography, and let's face it, most people with a P&S camera don't know the first thing about photography!
I believe that your efforts are just the type needed to make best use of the existing wiki as a foundation upon which to build to a much more user-friendly and inviting level.
At the same time, I warn you, that whichever you choose to do, be it to build upon the existing material or to start fresh in the creation of a preface "flowchart for dummies" (no disrespect to the "dummies" ;), you will NOT STOP many of these people from asking repetitive questions. These are the very same people of the type that no matter how simplified that step-by-step poster is in the box with a new toaster, they still miss something and feverishly thumb through the "real" manual searching for a non-technical answer to their question.

...Then, alas, there is that technical support phone number on the last page. (People really do call that number!)

I guess my point is this:
While your efforts are sorely needed to update the wiki and make it more user/noob friendly, please don't expect the redundant questions to miraculously stop. You can lay out in perfect display all the information you could possibly share on this at their feet, free for the taking, but you can't force people to be smart enough or take the initiative to actually read and comprehend it. 

Also, while you write the preface, perhaps you can keep in mind Graystar's CHDK manual.
Whoa-Hey! Careful where you point that thing. You're gonna shoot someone!


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Re: Help making CHDK and the forum better
« Reply #18 on: 24 / May / 2008, 16:37:50 »
If I had just ask you to marry me and you answered me like this, now I would be actually wondering if you certainly did or you ever wanna see me again.

OK, I'm perfectly aware about the dumbness of the newbies (no offense) - these nasty creatures! But being one of them I realize the objective of PhyrePhoX's request. Then, I gave it a shoot. I have nothing to lose.

As almost everyone, I'm happily surprised with Graystar's CHDK manual, it's a great effort and he is going well in his job. But, until now, is an individual effort and I dream about an integrated DEV, CODER, SCRIPTER, PHOTO EXPERT, ADV USER, well structured, online, for newbies too, solution.


Anyway, thanks again for spent your time to think about our childr... newbies.

PS: I hope you have fun making the DOF section. I know it will be super.
-- funny english, be aware -- CHDK for Dummies - The Very First Steps


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Re: Help making CHDK and the forum better
« Reply #19 on: 25 / May / 2008, 06:47:19 »
Also posted this in the suggested features/poll thread, but I suppose it fits in here too...somewhat

Hmm... I think somebody should write a php script w/mysql database to manage this...

Would be something like

Main (Features) Database)
| ID | Name | Description | Status (The Color) | Priority | Maintainer | Rating | Link | Suggested By (user) | Datestamp | <whatever other properties you want to give it>

Comments Database
| ID | FID (Feature ID)  | User | Topic | Comment | TimeStamp |

for the columns. It will have a simple login (accessing the smf user db perhaps, although there might be problem with passwords Tongue). Then users will be faced with a form where they select the priority, status, and type in name, description, maintainer, optional link, whatever. It will be posted to the database, later on it can be displayed/sorted to the user. Then users can rate the feature (1 - 10), and comment on it. Would work much better than a forum by my opinion? What do you think?

I can probably create this script if you want, and you can skin it/tweak it/whatever. Give me your input.

[edit] - ALSO, you can add a Category option :) There could be a few levels such as CAMERA/Raw Features/Compression or GENERAL/Installation/ know that sort of thing...tell me what you think
Email me at for questions/comments/etc or aim me at adzempire!
STOP!! Before thou smiteth me, please PM me the reason! . Criticism = bad, constructive criticism = good.

If you wanna applaud, no reason necessary, I know I'm wonderful :P


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