'Lo all,
i was wondering how this great community could be made more "newbie friendly" and "professional" (in a non commercial way of course). So here is this thread where i want to collect ideas regarding improvement of
- the forum
- the wiki
- more technical stuff (sourcecode, organization - not important right now)
...Mind you, remember the time you were a "noob"? What was it that pi$$ed you off the most? What was it you couldnt find in the wiki?
Also mind you: pretty soon there will be masses of new users coming here, and while you may think it's my (and other mods & contributors) work to handle them, this can actually be your way of paying back, instead of giving real money (i'm directly referring to here:
Money and CHDK ). What i mean is - do you speak english fluently? are you a photographer and know the terms? then you can help make the documentation better! of course english isnt mandatory, other languages are welcome and needed. can you code? there are lots of feature requests, some small, some rather huge, some rather impossible to fulfill, but maybe you can do it.
This is not a feature request thread as in "i want tetris on my camera" but more like "for newbies, we need a better documentation that is included in the downloadable-chdk-file and also accessible via the built-in text reader".
What about the forum structure? need better or more descriptive sticky threads? sub-boards?
By the way i am in no position to apply all your RFCs (Request for changes), either because i lack the rights, i lack the knowlegde, i lack permission (acseven is the owner/admin of this forum, he has the last word on almost everything), i lack the time or the motivation. Ok here are a few things i compiled so far:
Better documentation - work in progress, see
http://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php/topic,1167.0.html (there also is a second thread concerning including a helpguide into the chdk, cant find it right now).
Better "visual" (more friendly to the eye!) - work in progress, see
Symbol-Mod (OSD font size choosing is not implemented yet - some dev/C artist care to take a look @
font size for OSD parameters ?)
Better forum (and CHDK) structure: The way it is now, newbies will see at least 5 different builds with each having an own forum. grands and allbests the only fora being "polluted". My proposal (to the devs of course, this a thing the users cannot decide or wish for

): pull the last remaining features of the "other branches" (like fingalos build has some things allbest doesnt have, if i remember correctly) and just continue on ONE chdk only (well, SDM of course too!), and that would be called CHDK, not CHDK Gutsy Gibbon or CHDK Allbest
Multilanguage Forum? Do you need subforums? Again i remind you, this is acsevens decision. i know that there are for example a lot of germans who cant or wont speak/write english so they joined the german forum
Canon / CHDK-Forum :: Index . they consider our forum the "dev forum" and the german one the "user forum". i had to convince chdklover and msl to step into the spotlight and come here and publish their pretty amazing menu mod (which already made it into official trunk a few days later!).if they hadnt come here, they probably would still diff/patch their own modifications against official trunk. what i'm trying to say is, that there is a lot of potential being lost or at least not fully explored because of the language and forum barrier (different forums i mean by that).
more support (more? any

) by commercial raw editors (a lot of them have the policy like "if its from a "hacked" camera we wont support it in our product". how can we do that? i mean i dont care as i use dng4ps but newbies are probably used to their normal toolchain. maybe writing emails to the companies will do the trick?
well, the code has to be commented better. it's hard and a general pain in the A$$, i rarely ever do it myself. but it will help coders understand chdk better and improve it.
better/more scripting abilities - being worked on, one in
Lua Scripting Integration and one in
remaining video,overrides-customizations,no-raw@video,just _random_ stuff 
Someone has to figure out how the searching algorithm of the wikia works, searching and finding things there is very difficult, even when you know a particular site exists.
And remember: If you have requests concerning the wiki in most cases you can apply changes yourself, as even guests have write capabilities there.
this is all for now, i forgot most of my "feature requests" while typing this up, silly me.
edit: by the way i'm serious when i say this forum will be flooded with new users soon. i mean, CHDK is a great great invention, and as soon as more and more people will dig(g) this, the more will come here. it ain't a tool just for for nerds taking candid beach shots, this is a revolution in photography. pretty soon the usage (i heard it through the grapevine

) will be much easier so even children, old persons or DSLR owners (*chuckle*

j/k) can get used to it in a jiffy.
2nd edit: we do want and need your participation, if you have something to write here: shoot