It seems that the correct height is 360, and any change in the width mess the things up.
Well, 720*360 == 960*270.
The 960 * 270 buffer size is related to full HD resolution (even if the camera doesn't have HDMI connector). I have a partial RAM dump from an Ixus265 camera which also has these buffer dimensions. That model uses a 720*240 sized area from the buffer in LCD mode (see attached image).
To confirm this visually, you could dump the first 8MB of RAM with the built-in RAM dumper (it's in the Debug menu, you also need to set "debug shortcut" to DmpRAM, leave the menu then press DISP(?) in ALT mode) then use a utility that can visualize binary data, such as
Hexplorer (or its
hacked version).
I'm always confused about what the "debug shortcut" is on various cameras. Try removing
from platform_camera.h. That should make the disp (down?) button the debug shortcut.