It seems that this port doesn't support focus scan and optical zoom during video recording - probably for a good reason.
For focus scan, MakeAFScan seems to be located at 0xFF96CDFC.
For optical zoom during video recording, the problem is that UnsetZoomForMovie has not been identified, the seem problem affects other sxXXX models.
reyalp,Regarding manual focus you said, "However... this feature is not generally enabled on CHDK ports for cameras that have MF in the Canon firmware, since it was intended as an MF replacement. This is something that we should look into improving."My camera HAS MF in the factory firmware, but it doesn't work in video mode, just stills. I use the camera mostly for video.
Yes, that's the way a number of Nikon's I've owned behaved, and I'm sure that the SX130 does as well on the stock firmware. But I want to be able to change focus while shooting if necessary.
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