I've not been able to discover from the various porting threads whether the USB remote functionality is working on this partial port.
Can anyone comment whether the SX270/SX280 HS cameras are able to be controlled using CHDK and the 5 V USB line?
I don't use this feature regularly, so I don't know how reliable it is. I did a quick try (settings: onepush, normal), plugging USB in and out takes a picture in photo mode. When in movie mode, it starts recording and most of the keyboard stops reacting.
That's probably not a good sign. edit: My ixus115 does the same when it's in movie mode, so this appears to be a general CHDK issue. If you're using a script to evaluate the pulses, it may behave differently though.
I'd recommend asking port-specific questions in the cameras' porting thread; those posts have a better chance of being noticed by people having the specific camera model.
Canon P&S cameras with 30fps fullhd video:
- SX1 IS (too heavy)
- DIGIC 4+ models with CMOS sensor (none of them is ported)
- DIGIC 6 models (most of these also record 60fps fullhd video, but none of them is ported - except for the sx280/270)