I noticed that some merges I've done form trunk to 1.3 have not updated the merge info, meaning that the revisions still show as eligible to merge.
I don't understand why this is happening. srsa's merges appear to be recorded correctly. It looks like philmoz aren't be recorded either. This seems to go back before the creation of 1.3. The last change I see with merginfo in the root directory updated is 3524 in the release-1_2 branch. It looks like Phil's stopped recording earlier than that.
It seems like an svn client change could be a factor, if we updated at different times.
This isn't a huge deal in our workflow, but it's nice to be able to immediately see which changes have been merged and which haven't. I'm using tortoise 1.8.10, Build 26129 on win 7. I do the merge the same way I have always done (merge, "range of revisions", "specific range"), and it just doesn't modify the merginfo.
If I do a "record only" merge of one of the already merged revisions, it succeeds and doesn't change the merginfo.
If I re-do one of the merges, it also succeeds, without making any changes.
I get the same results using the command line client (1.8.9-SlikSvn-1.8.9-X64) .
I guess it's possible that this is expected behavior with some server / client version combination, though I don't see any obvious explanation for it in
http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.8/svn.branchmerge.advanced.htmlMerges are recorded correctly in other repositories I use with svn 1.8 servers.
To be clear, this is not something that should stop checking in or merging, just a puzzle.