Where do I go to find older CHDK builds (especially vrsion 1.2) - page 3 - General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases - CHDK Forum

Where do I go to find older CHDK builds (especially vrsion 1.2)

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Offline reyalp

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Re: Where do I go to find older CHDK builds (especially vrsion 1.2)
« Reply #20 on: 11 / January / 2015, 16:48:21 »
write() tries to take the fileio semaphore too and fails if it cannot (default timeout is 3 seconds). The same semaphore is used by filewritetask. Perhaps it is 'taken' for a longer time in continuous mode.
Good idea.

I just skimmed though the porting thread (http://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php?topic=6397.650) and was reminded of a bunch problems and loose ends in this port.

It looks like nafraf did a code gen conversion that was never tested or added, so that seems like a good place to start.

There was also the UI memory stuff, which could let as get away from using exmem.

I'll make a test build with code gen and something to check if the write failure was semaphore timeout.
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Offline reyalp

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Re: Where do I go to find older CHDK builds (especially vrsion 1.2)
« Reply #21 on: 11 / January / 2015, 18:18:22 »
Here's a test build including narfrafs codegen re-write and some additional debugging.

For the codegen re-write, please check that it boots, runs, and generally functions as well as current 1.3 builds do.

For the raw issues:
Please try the fasthdr.lua from the previous test, and also try single shots like before.

The misc debug values now has 4 numbers
1) SE: will be non-zero if the semaphore timeout was hit as srsa suggested. Please report if this becomes non-zero when the small dngs are created, or dngs are completely missing.
2) FP:  the last wait for the file counter. This now only displays the final value, so it shouldn't change during a single shot
3) MP: The maximum value of FP seen since reboot
4) TC: The number of times the timeout has expired since last reboot. Based on your previous results, this should go up by when you are shooting slow single shots.

Finally, please test the script CHDK/SCRIPTS/TEST/vidtest.lua and post the log.

There will be a line of number across the top of these screen. You can ignore them.
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Re: Where do I go to find older CHDK builds (especially vrsion 1.2)
« Reply #22 on: 11 / January / 2015, 20:02:52 »
(Same issue, burst shooting, and shooting with the script, dos not save the raw file reliably. in a burst shot it was able to save 1 raw file successfully, but 2 others were 38KB, and none of the others were saved)

I have done a few single shot images, and some burst shooting, and ran the script.

The debug into seems a little different, SE seems to stay at 0

For manual single shot images, FP and MP are both at 320. TC seems to just count up

After doing some burst shooting, raw files did not save properly (38KB files), and the debug results were
SE: 9
FP: 50
MP: 320
TC: 3

The script did not create a log file. After running it, displays

:77: A/fasthdr.log: error

SE: 16
FP: 10
MP: 320
TC: 1

When it failed to make a log file, I went and enabled native Lua calls, and disabled the write protect n the card, then booted using the firmware update option within the playback menu, and it still had the same error.

I recorded a video of the test (long boring video)


Offline reyalp

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Re: Where do I go to find older CHDK builds (especially vrsion 1.2)
« Reply #23 on: 11 / January / 2015, 20:24:53 »
Thanks, that confirms srsa's diagnosis that the corrupt raw is related to the fileio semaphore.  This is probably also responsible for the log error.

The single shot results confirm that the counter is normally up to date when shooting slowly or the first shot in a burst.

You don't really need to make videos of these things, if something is unclear I'll ask.

Can you please do this one:
Finally, please test the script CHDK/SCRIPTS/TEST/vidtest.lua and post the log.
If this passes, we can probably enable an option that will avoid the semaphore error. Just run the script with the default settings and post the log.
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Re: Where do I go to find older CHDK builds (especially vrsion 1.2)
« Reply #24 on: 11 / January / 2015, 20:38:34 »
Ran the vid test


Offline reyalp

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Re: Where do I go to find older CHDK builds (especially vrsion 1.2)
« Reply #25 on: 11 / January / 2015, 22:00:19 »
Thanks. I'll update the port with that result in a bit.

In the meantime, here's a build with the semaphore timeout increased to 10 sec. Please try the the fasthdr script with this.
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Re: Where do I go to find older CHDK builds (especially vrsion 1.2)
« Reply #26 on: 11 / January / 2015, 22:17:10 »
With the build with new build (10 second), the raw issue still happens with raw files either not being saved, or only 38KB files being saved, though it did add a very long delay between images beign taken in burst mode as well as with the HDR script.

(this issue happens with both the script and shooting in continuous mode).

The log file also failed to save (same issue as last time).


Offline reyalp

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Re: Where do I go to find older CHDK builds (especially vrsion 1.2)
« Reply #27 on: 12 / January / 2015, 01:32:54 »
With the build with new build (10 second), the raw issue still happens with raw files either not being saved, or only 38KB files being saved, though it did add a very long delay between images beign taken in burst mode as well as with the HDR script.
Very strange, this is starting to sound more like a race condition...

Attached is a new test build. With this build, there is an option in the Miscellaneous menu "Enable Unsafe IO". Try fasthdr with this checked.

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Re: Where do I go to find older CHDK builds (especially vrsion 1.2)
« Reply #28 on: 12 / January / 2015, 05:50:04 »
With unsafe IO enabled, the script was able to successfully save all DNG files (script was set to take 13 images, and it created 13 18.2MB DNG files (all readable)

burst mode also successfully saved each raw file properly

The script was still unable to create a log file, as it had the same error as before

I also took this chance to test the exif delay (went as high as 250ms), and the first 2 raw files still get the same exif info that do not match the exif of the jpegs (in terms of shutter speed), though it is easily worked around by simply increasing the number of images taken and just ignoring the first image, so it is not much of an issue.

Edit: here is a download of the jpegs and dng files saved by the camera while running the script :)

https://www.dropbox.com/s/1p0r95u80gpcnlk/13exp%20bracket.zip?dl=0 (152MB)

None of the raw files match the jpegs but other than the first one, the rest do not impact the images, as HDR processing software does not freak out about them, and they are all different (thus no 2 images with the exact same exif info but visually different exposures).
« Last Edit: 12 / January / 2015, 06:38:50 by Razor512 »


Offline reyalp

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Re: Where do I go to find older CHDK builds (especially vrsion 1.2)
« Reply #29 on: 12 / January / 2015, 12:54:42 »
With unsafe IO enabled, the script was able to successfully save all DNG files (script was set to take 13 images, and it created 13 18.2MB DNG files (all readable)

burst mode also successfully saved each raw file properly

The script was still unable to create a log file, as it had the same error as before
This is expected, the log file uses script file IO functions which can't use the "unsafe" option.

Note that with unsafe IO enabled, you will probably get occasional crashes. This isn't really a solution, but it at least narrows down the problem. The reason 1.2 didn't suffer this problem is that all IO was done the "unsafe" way, which worked most of the time but crashes occasionally.

I think the next step is to compare capt seq hook code on this camera to other similar generation cameras that don't suffer the problem. msl reported that the sx220 does not have the same problem, although it has some other issues.
I also took this chance to test the exif delay (went as high as 250ms), and the first 2 raw files still get the same exif info that do not match the exif of the jpegs (in terms of shutter speed), though it is easily worked around by simply increasing the number of images taken and just ignoring the first image, so it is not much of an issue.
I don't remember much about the exif problem, I'll have to go back and re-read the old threads.
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