Not burst mode. No raw. Camera on a tripod, aperture priority set for f5.7, IS off, one shot with timer; then to ALT, to CHDK menu to change exposure time, then out of menu, ALT off, and next shot using timer.
I've been working on this for another bit, and indeed the problem seems to be the self-timer! I can get the sx50 to stay open as long as I want when I push the button myself - but using the timer (whether 2 or 10s), the exposure always defaults to 1 second. In any case, thanks a lot for such a quick and accurate analysis of the situation!
Funny that this isn't the case with the sx10, though. Its timer doesn't cause this problem.
Any chance someone could overcome it on the sx50? I'm already a LOT happier now that I know how to get the long exposures I want - but it would be great if the jiggle from pushing the button could be avoided...
I took some indoor daylight shots just now, programming for exp. times of 1/60 down to 1/500 - all worked when I triggered the shutter myself, but all defaulted to 1/25 when the self-timer (2s) triggered it.I tried the script, though. It takes a couple of extra steps compared to using the timer, but it worked, and resolves the issue of potential camera jiggle. Thanks for the suggestion. Great service on this board!
Last night I wanted to compare it to my sx10is with a series of shots in low light at ISO80, f5.6, efl 560mm, and shutter times increasing incrementally (1/3 stops) from 4s to 16s. Worked fine with the sx10 - but doing the same thing on the sx 50, after a shot at 4s and the next at 5s, every other one cut out at one second! I've re-tried a couple of times since, and had a couple of (seemingly) random shot come out as dialed in, but almost every one winds up being a one-second exposure, regardless of how I program it with CHDK. (Settings were identical to those for my sx10.)
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