Hi, hope i do not break the rules, because this may be a bit commercial, but we are looking for a Powershot CHDK Wizard, wo may explain some Basics to me instead of waisting my time and digging here through Posts, watching i don't have any clou of.
My desire:
i need a camera, ACDC powered, auto turn on when Power is attached, controlled by USB/windows
camera should be available (Stock, not a too old model)
Liveview Images (Live Preview)
Release Camera by USB
Record Videoclips by USB
a HotShoe would be fine
remote of Zoom fine, optional
maybe you are able to explain within 1-2 hours or help us developing something,
may be published here to, i don't think we should keep it as a secret
feel free to contact me
Regards, Oreste(at)oreste dot com