My topic is not related to the CHDK directly but people that developed the EYE fi module can probably help me because they know some "structure" of eye fi card.
There is a problem with eye fi. It stops working (transferring) after about month. Actually it stops working every few hours and resume to work after I reset the power but after about a month it stops transferring pictures and start again only after I re-format it.
It' not a single case. there was a few times when i had "X2 connect" and It happened again with a Pro X2.
Do you have Idea what is it?
Do you know how to resolve this issue?
Is there any way how to re-format or "refresh" the card from CHDK keeping files not to be deleted?
I don't ask for exact solution I just ask what can I try to "refresh" the card and keeping the files not to be deleted.
I have some additional information about my conditions:
I take too many timelapse pictures every day 500 to 1000. That can be the reason why other people that normali use the EYE fi card do not have that issue...
may be there is some hidden files that counts the pictures and may be they just stuck after a huge amount of transferred pictures and may be I just clean it up by formatting....