I have STICK re-installed on the 4 GB SD card and I ..
STICK is a program that runs on your PC. It does not get installed on an SD card.
However, when STICK runs on your PC, it installs the various CHDK files onto an SD card that can be used in your camera to activate CHDK.
However I still have a fundamental fuzziness about, let's say I need to shoot 1000 pictures of the Moon, or even one picture. Do I then take out that media card and start using the 64 GB card I have for the 1000 Moon shots or am I obligated to use the 4 GB card I have STICK on?
SHOULD you take pics on the STICK card? Should I load STICK on a variety of media cards to cover various shooting needs? If
Like I said, you don't install STICK on an SD card. However, I think what you are really asking is "Do I need to install CHDK on every SD card I want to use?" and the answer to that questions is "Yes". CHDK must be installed on each SD card as nothing gets permanently installed on the camera. CHDK is loaded from the SD card to camera RAM memory when the camera starts and it "goes away" each time the power is removed (i.e. when the camera is turned off). So when you turn on your camera, CHDK needs to be installed on the SD card you are using if you wish to use CHDK.
Does that clarify things?