Once I got that straightened out your program went through its paces and the SD card is locked and “bootable” I assume?
Thanks for working with me on this. I guess the tip here is to not use Windows Explorer as a file extractor as about 5 of your files it could not handle.
If I ever owe anyone a drink it's you two!
I was cycling through the wonderful menu CHDK picks in my SX20 and I was at the main CHDK directory title when I thought to tap “DISP”...which led to a dialog box on if I wanted to delete that directory YES or NO. It looked to me like YES was highlighted so I shifted it to NO which was the wrong choice as now I noticed a lot of the files are missing.
What I remember is that the CHDK title was at the top of the list of options and I think it may have been highlighted also.I then tapped DISP. and the next thing was the delete that directory box yes or no message. After I made that mistake only minimal files in white text were visible as I scrolled around. I assume I had messed things up.When I backed out and reloaded the SD card at Play mode is where I see that error message as I stated above that also had the "no image" text. I set it down after that and posted here. I know nothing about the process you stated above.
I have STICK re-installed on the 4 GB SD card and I ..
However I still have a fundamental fuzziness about, let's say I need to shoot 1000 pictures of the Moon, or even one picture. Do I then take out that media card and start using the 64 GB card I have for the 1000 Moon shots or am I obligated to use the 4 GB card I have STICK on? SHOULD you take pics on the STICK card? Should I load STICK on a variety of media cards to cover various shooting needs? If
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