FWIW, using raw therapee I get fairly decent results on sx160 using the distortion correction slider in the transform tab, and the chromatic aberration sliders in the raw tab. I keep a few different saved settings at different focal lengths and start from the closest one.
Does it offer something more than PhotoShop's RAW Filter?!
And does it make the changes automatically by analyzing the pics?!
When I use PS's RAW filter and move sliders, I still feel that it has some distortions when compare it to the JPGs of the same image. Maybe I'm just paranoid or lack skill?!
I don't know, never used PhotoShop for raw.
It has an auto option for chromatic aberration, but not distortion. In my experience, you can better results doing the chromatic aberration adjustment manually. Also, in the version of raw therepee I've been using (4.2.44) there are actually two chromatic aberration sliders, one in in the RAW tab, and one in the transform tab. These have different effects, I use the raw one first and only touch the other if that isn't enough.
I wouldn't expect to exactly match the jpeg. AFAIK the raw therapee adjustment is just a basic pincushion / barrel adjustment (see https://photographylife.com/what-is-distortion) while the real lens probably has other issues.You could take a picture of a grid at various focal lengths to get an idea of how close it is. I'm not very picky so I haven't bothered yet.
I tried it and I liked PS CC 2015's RAW better, but that may be because I'm used to it?!
Where did you locate the SX230 profile?
Just to be clear, I'm wasn't saying you should use RT, just posting what works for me. I use RT because it was the first program I found a that gave me reasonable results with CHDK DNG files, and I've been too lazy to spend time developing a workflow in others.
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