it returns another random value and if I change set_focus value, it returns other random value without a logic.
ERROR: I/O errorattempted to close non-present device XXX:XXX
when I type two focus command togetherset_aflock(1)set_aflock(0)return errorset_mf(1)set_mf(0)return error
The official source doesn't support overriding the subject distance (aka focus).
I suspect the camera also crashes (powers off with extended lens) when this happens. If so, please get a romlog.
Does that mean the camera crashes if you execute set_aflock(1) followed by set_aflock(0) ?
This means that set_focus(XXXXX) works properly but not overrides subject distance on the camera?
Sometimes It crashed also during lens opening
Yes, I'll report romlog.
@srsa_4cYes, I used the addresses you posted before. I did not commit the patch because I was not sure if that was the right solution.Can I do something to fix the port or Should I wait for your patch? Thanks.
/* *** TEMPORARY workaround *** Init stuff to avoid asserts on cameras running DryOS r54+ Execute this only once */void init_required_fw_features(void) { extern void _init_focus_eventflag(); extern void _init_nd_eventflag(); extern void _init_nd_semaphore(); //extern void _init_zoom_semaphore(); // for MoveZoomLensWithPoint _init_focus_eventflag(); _init_nd_eventflag(); _init_nd_semaphore();}
// temporary measureNHSTUB(init_focus_eventflag, 0xffb7ebfc)NHSTUB(init_nd_eventflag, 0xffaa8558)NHSTUB(init_nd_semaphore, 0xffad6344)
>>>" BL init_required_fw_features\n" // added<<<
PATCHSUB ref=0 name=taskcreatePhySw_my
>>> file=../boot_extras.c
First one "romlog_after_aflock_mf" was downloaded after crash when I type this command from terminal> luar set_aflock(1)> luar set_mf(1)
the second one romlog_after_mftest was downloaded after crash during the execution of mftest.lua from camera.
Hey everyone, I understand that development takes a lot of hard work, testing, and most importantly time, but do you have any idea of when a stable release of this firmware might be available?
Quote from: Steva85 on 08 / September / 2015, 02:14:07First one "romlog_after_aflock_mf" was downloaded after crash when I type this command from terminal> luar set_aflock(1)> luar set_mf(1)The log shows that you have executed these several times but that does not make much difference.Problem is, the crash happened in a task that is not influenced directly by CHDK. As such, it doesn't really help.Quotethe second one romlog_after_mftest was downloaded after crash during the execution of mftest.lua from camera.The camera has not recorded a romlog for this crash (the 2 romlogs you uploaded are the same).I sent you a PM with a build that has the fixes I mentioned in the last two pages of this thread. Note that this port is apparently "hot potato" due to the 2 bricked cameras reported earlier. Use the build on your own risk.This build enables subject distance override and control over the ND filter. Try running mftest.lua to help us figure out which method is usable for setting the focus.
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