I can get the AFL bug to happen consistently if occasionally. It seems to be a crash 1 time in 10 or so. So if somebody has a proposed fix, I can test it. I can verify that it happens on build 4317.
Not a fix, just ideas.
The romlog seems too show that you're doing something like
- half press
- wait a second
- issue set_aflock(1)
- immediately release half press
If so, try without half-pressing the shutter. set_aflock(1) does a focus scan on its own.
There is also an idle crash that I see happening. Randomly while I have left the camera on, it shuts down spontaneously.
Are you sure it's a crash? It is if you find the cam powered off with extended lens.
If the lens is retracted, it's likely just a regular shutdown. Check the power saving settings in the Canon menu.
I'd also like to note that CHDK seems to interfere with ECO mode (it doesn't activate reliably even when CHDK is set to allow power saving). If you have it 'on', try disabling it.
I've attached a romlog I took after a recent incident. I'm not 100% sure that this is a crash. I suppose it could also be a power-saving setting I don't know about.
That's an AF lock crash.