IXUS160/ELPH160 Porting attempt - page 29 - DryOS Development - CHDK Forum supplierdeeply

IXUS160/ELPH160 Porting attempt

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Offline srsa_4c

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Re: IXUS160/ELPH160 Porting attempt
« Reply #280 on: 14 / November / 2015, 13:15:56 »
Ran script while in Play mode with no debug.
'P' is not playback mode, it is the most manual shooting mode this camera offers (if you take it out of AUTO mode, it can be found in the Canon shooting menu - the one you get when pressing SET). 'P' stands for 'Program' mode.

Ran script while in Play mode with debug enabled as requested.  Lens extends, cam powers off.  Lens remains extended.  Will not power on (using play button or power button) unless battery pull.
That was not meant to happen, the cam apparently crashed and got stuck in some infinite loop...

Prop values shown on console:  Prop 49 = 33345
That should be the shooting mode named 'live'.

So, again, to clarify: the setmode script is for testing the validity of the camera's shooting modes, it's not meant to be used in playback mode.

shoot Tv+2 45   ; is a hair less grainy compared to default
shoot Sv-2 46   ; more grainy than default, pixel blobs visible
shoot ND in 47  ; can't tell apart from #44
shoot ND out 48   ; tiny bit darker in background
The differences should be obvious, apparently they are not. You can use the camera's playback mode histogram to compare.
The script appears to have succeeded switching the cam to P mode.


Offline axman

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Re: IXUS160/ELPH160 Porting attempt
« Reply #281 on: 14 / November / 2015, 14:31:48 »
Ran script while in Play mode with no debug.
'P' is not playback mode, it is the most manual shooting mode this camera offers (if you take it out of AUTO mode, it can be found in the Canon shooting menu - the one you get when pressing SET). 'P' stands for 'Program' mode.
Ahh..  Thanks for clarifying what P mode stands for.  My bad.

That should be the shooting mode named 'live'.
Yes, you are correct.  LIVE shows in the camera osd.

So, again, to clarify: the setmode script is for testing the validity of the camera's shooting modes, it's not meant to be used in playback mode.
Got it, sorry about that.

The differences should be obvious, apparently they are not. You can use the camera's playback mode histogram to compare.
The script appears to have succeeded switching the cam to P mode.

I correctly set the cam to P mode (not live mode), & re-ran the test a couple of times.

Resulting images have subtle differences, nothing dramatic to my eye.  I used darktable for evaluating the histograms of resulting DNG images.  The CHDK on-screen display is quite difficult for me to physically see and focus on, so using darktable was easier. 

Histograms for Tv+2 and Sv-2 look similar to each other, and look similar to default image.  But they look different than the histograms for ND tests.

Histograms for ND tests look similar to each other but different than Tv/Sv images, or the default image.

I'm sorry I can't offer you more explanation, but I'm not qualified to evaluate the histogram results.  I can post the histogram results as tiny png's if it's useful.


Offline axman

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Re: IXUS160/ELPH160 Porting attempt
« Reply #282 on: 14 / November / 2015, 15:37:24 »
I re-ran a couple tests due to my mis-understanding what mode the camera should be in for the test.

setmode.lua -> pass, log attached
mftest.lua -> different results, log attached

Looked again at CHDK Testing url.  I think these two are the only tests that are affected by my using an incorrect mode.  If there are others, please advise which ones and I'll re-test.


Offline axman

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Re: IXUS160/ELPH160 Porting attempt
« Reply #283 on: 14 / November / 2015, 15:53:32 »
Re: MD_tune.bas

for this test, http://chdk.wikia.com/wiki/Testing mentions "record mode" and "AF led."

Can someone please clarify what record mode means in this context?  I'm not sure if it means P mode, or Video record mode, or something I've missed in the Canon menus..

The AF led - is this the led on front face of camera, roughly at the same level as the flash, but on the other side of the lens? 

I've never seen it be lit..  Tried to provoke lighting it using Canon menu choices; activated autofocus, snap snap, tried a video..  No led blink under any circumstances.  But maybe I haven't provoked it correctly. 

Can someone suggest under what circumstances this led should light?


Re: IXUS160/ELPH160 Porting attempt
« Reply #284 on: 14 / November / 2015, 15:58:45 »
Can someone please clarify what record mode means in this context?  I'm not sure if it means P mode, or Video record mode, or something I've missed in the Canon menus..
I think it just means that the camera is in shooting mode instead of playback.  P mode with the lens extended and ready to shoot should do it.

The AF led - is this the led on front face of camera, roughly at the same level as the flash, but on the other side of the lens? 

I've never seen it be lit..  Tried to provoke lighting it using Canon menu choices; activated autofocus, snap snap, tried a video..  No led blink under any circumstances.  But maybe I haven't provoked it correctly.   Can someone suggest under what circumstances this led should light?
It's there to assist with AF when the lighting level is low.  So,  you probably want to try it in AF mode in a mostly dark room?
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16


Offline axman

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Re: IXUS160/ELPH160 Porting attempt
« Reply #285 on: 14 / November / 2015, 16:24:57 »
free mem 164864 bytes
This is very low. At a minimum, ARAM should be enabled, but the port will still be pretty low.

It's not totally implausible that running out of free RAM could be connected to the earlier problems. This would be very hard to confirm, since running out of RAM would generally just cause a regular crash.

I don't know how much free memory there is supposed to be, but I think I can confirm your suspicion that the memory is low enough to cause a crash.

Using chdkptp, I can connect.   But sometimes executing commands results in "not enough memory" error.  If I disconnect, pull the usb cable and start over, I can sometimes execute a string of commands like;
Code: [Select]
chdkptp -i -c
connected: Canon PowerShot ELPH 160, max packet size 512
con> rec
con 1> shoot
con 2> play
con 3> imdl -ddir=/home/foo/Pictures -last=1 -d=${name} A/DCIM/100__11
con 4> q

It's not predictable.  But if I quit chdkptp, unplug and replug usb, it usually works.


Offline axman

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Re: IXUS160/ELPH160 Porting attempt
« Reply #286 on: 14 / November / 2015, 17:07:27 »
I've never seen it be lit..  Tried to provoke lighting it using Canon menu choices; activated autofocus, snap snap, tried a video..  No led blink under any circumstances.  But maybe I haven't provoked it correctly.   Can someone suggest under what circumstances this led should light?
It's there to assist with AF when the lighting level is low.  So,  you probably want to try it in AF mode in a mostly dark room?
Thanks, enabling autofocus + testing in a dark room did the trick.


Offline reyalp

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Re: IXUS160/ELPH160 Porting attempt
« Reply #287 on: 14 / November / 2015, 17:26:05 »
Can you report the free memory with the build I sent, as well as whether the AF led flashes when you run md_tune.bas? The flashing should not depend on lighting conditions or camera settings.

free mem 164864 bytes
That's strange. The amount of free RAM is usually reported around 3MB, except for 'Pierre' who experienced out-of-memory crashes (which seemed to have gone away after re-installing CHDK). It would be great to find out what (camera or CHDK) feature eats up memory.
Yes, this is quite odd.
I'd suggest checking right after startup, then after switching to rec, after shooting, after running a script etc.
« Last Edit: 14 / November / 2015, 17:30:21 by reyalp »
Don't forget what the H stands for.


Offline axman

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Re: IXUS160/ELPH160 Porting attempt
« Reply #288 on: 14 / November / 2015, 18:39:21 »
Can you report the free memory with the build I sent, as well as whether the AF led flashes when you run md_tune.bas? The flashing should not depend on lighting conditions or camera settings.
Yes, thanks for the build file.

Free memory: 3161824 bytes

Yes, the AF led flashes when MD_tune.bas runs.

Not sure if this test has an end. 
After 100 triggers, at top of console, values were displayed: 
Min = 100   Max = 820   Avg = 184

I killed the test by powering off - not sure how to gracefully stop it.
Cam responded correctly, eg retract lens and turn off.


Offline srsa_4c

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Re: IXUS160/ELPH160 Porting attempt
« Reply #289 on: 14 / November / 2015, 20:01:33 »
Resulting images have subtle differences, nothing dramatic to my eye.
This is what you should expect as results of running ubtest (it's the same 'scene'):

I can't really explain why exposure overrides fail on your cam. The required hook is at the usual location and the hooktest script reports success...

As for memory, it might be a good idea to determine the size of kernel RAM area that is not used (I mentioned this here once). I can detail this if interested.


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