I just started to put together an Autoit gui in order to control chdkptp.
This is how I would use AutoIT with Win-PE, but for clarity, some "Important Details" are omitted from
this post. It's (simply) just working with the "Real" Cameras, a "Real" but a Micro Operating System and
the "Real" System Hardware. You can do this stuff with WinXp-PE (PE 1v1) it's probably a bit easier BUT
is more un-reliable. There are various other limitations such as "Bloat Software" won't work, etc, also there
is a 72 Hour time limit. There is lots of web sites and forums regarding Windows PE with so many "Options"
that you will become confused. This (simple) method is not available on any of these PE web sites or forums.
Start:- "WinRE.wim" from a "Demo version of Windows 8 or 10", or similar, i.e WinPE or WinRE,
versions 4, 5, or 5++.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Preinstallation_Environment"...The (WinRE.wim) package can be used for developer testing....",
A Virtual Machine approach is not then needed.
Use:- A "BCD" file editor such as (free) "BootIce" in "Legacy Mode" this takes about 30 seconds to do,
OR:- Just create a bootable "Development" CdROM that just contains the "Boot.wim" (approx. 200Mb)
and also the omitted "Important Details" (approx. 100++Mb). This will probably take several attempts
so its best to use a re-writable Cd-Rom. Bootable USB Sticks could also be use BUT at the risk of file
corruption also they tend to be very slow.
See:- "Boot Configuration Data" - Editor
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Vista_startup_process#Boot_Configuration_DataWhat now (simply) happens is that you have additional options, at boot time, to boot a "Developer Testing"
(Win-PE) version of windows.
## Questions:-
##:- Why Do I do this, to put it simply, its just a question of "WHO" is "Controlling" the Micro Operating
System, you or M$ ~(
##:- The M$ ~(
)~ way is by using, "Trusted Publishers", "Trusted Installers", "Trusted Platform
Modules", "Certified Inf and Cat Files", "Your USB" has a Problem", your "Program.exe" has
"Stopped Working", "See your Administrator", "System Up-Dates" "XYZ...Failed", "SFP",
"ABC...Error", etc, etc, and "Policys" and "Permissions" for "File Access" and "Permissions" for
"Registry Access" etc, etc.
Consider a, simple situation, when you connect a "Brand New" Canon Camera via USB-2 in order
to obtain the PID_VID and iSerial Number the "Trusted Installer" will then install the "Default" which
simply see's the "Brand New" camera as a SD card only. All the "Trusted Stuff" then makes various
"Backup Driver" copies and also by default creates a "RESTRICTED ACCESS" to "Backup Drivers" and
a "RESTRICTED ACCESS" to the "Registry" some times this "Default" can very hard to reverse in order
to use an "Un-Approved" CHDK Camera Driver. Also when plugging another new camera into the
USB-2 port, a diffrent version of this stuff will be created. With Multiple Cameras this eventualy results
in a Un-Stable, Un-Reliable, Un-Dependable, Un-Controlable, MESS.
There are many CHDK Newbee posts about this CHDK Camera "Driver Problem".
##:- The "Win-PE" way is acheived by using Administrator Super Powers, the "Trusted Installer" and
"Trusted Platform Module" is still there but most of the other stuff isn't there so the end result is a
Stable, Reliable, Repatable, and Dependable Micro Operating System, that is very usefull when using
multiple cameras. One very usefull feature is that if you make a programing error that results in a
system crash you simply "Re-Boot" into a brand new and "Clean" and "Stable" Micro Operating System.
Another usefull feature is the cameras are not "Installed", Normaly M$ uses a "Generic" method of
creating the necessary "Driver File" links and "Registary Entrys", every time a different CHDK Camera
is connected via USB-2 the "Trusted Platform Module" checks the "Certified Inf and Cat Files" (and also
Delays the Camera Connections). If you initally connect your multiple cameras in a diffrent the
order "Trusted Installer" will automaticaly create different "Generic" and very confusing results.
A better way, by using "Win-PE", is just to "Merge" the requied "Driver File" links and "Registary Entry's".
this is a very widely used method that can be customised for multiple CHDK Cameras, producing
"Standarised" or "Customised" Camera Drivers.
##:- "AutoIT" works very well and reliably with all versions of "Win-PE" this also applies to simple program
development software and simple utility software such NotePad++, Explorer++ etc. So it's possible to
do Multiple Camera CHDK "Development" and "Testing" working with the "Real" Cameras, on a "Real"
but a Micro Operating System and with the "Real" System Hardware.
You can also use "AutoIT" to "SetUp" the Multi-Camera, Customised, CHDK Drivers. And as per your
post as a "Remote" GUI Interface to "Control" ChdkPtp running on multiple instances of "Win-PE".
See Attached File BootIce BCD
Continued in Post #2