I'll experiment with it. The GPS in the S100 is pretty poor - it can take ten minutes to get a signal lock on a clear sunny day so experimenting is not much fun.
Finally a part of the conversation I can understand!

Yes, that is exactly why I want it set to GPS logger rather than just start it and take a picture.. Because it takes so darn long. With the logger active, if I decide to take a picture for GPS rather than mess around trying to convert the tracklog to what Lightroom can understand via a GPSBabel route, it takes forever for it to acquire GPS. Leaving the logger on makes acquisition shorter when turning the camera on - almost instant - if I do decide to take a geotagging picture for easier Lightroom tagging in the map module. It was because of that that I bought 2 more batteries for it when I got the G7X, for a total of 5 batteries for the S100 (all but 1 are 3rd party). Doubt I'll ever run through them all, but it's still reassuring.
I'll try figuring out what another poster mentioned, about some native CHDK logger, but I have a cognitive/memory disability, so it makes figuring things out much harder. As you might imagine, CHDK could pose issues for someone with such issues, to say the least.

I will say though, that finding CHDK renewed my interest in the S100 - it was like finding a whole new camera to play with that wasn't bound by some of the crazy limitations they imposed on that camera, like a shutter longer than 15 seconds for starters.