Here are details of a first test with r4900. My suspicion tends toward a "rats nest of wiring" etc but there's not yet much to go on (no romlog).
So, with multicam.lua, after chdkptp connection to all cameras, I uploaded diskboot bin via cli:
!savecon=con for lcon in mc:icams() do con=lcon cli:print_status(cli:execute('mup C:/CHDKPTP/REYALP-DEBUG/DISKBOOT.BIN A/')) end con=savecon
MODULES via cli:
!savecon=con for lcon in mc:icams() do con=lcon cli:print_status(cli:execute('mup C:/CHDKPTP/REYALP-DEBUG/MODULES A/CHDK/MODULES/')) end con=savecon
After starting all remote scripts I, somehow, failed to add a remote function for module logging, on the fly, with:
!return mc:cmdwait('call function cmds.modulelogging() set_config_value(req
uire'gen/cnf_core'.module_logging,1) write_status(true) end')
ERROR: compile failed:[string "return mc:cmdwait('call function cmds.modulel..."
]:1: ')' expected near 'gen'
(before enabling it with mc:cmdwait('modulelogging)
So, for each camera I just enabled it through the GUI.
The test was then similar to the last test described. On 7 cameras in M mode, 7 successful cycles of:
preshoot -> usb_sync_wait -> sync shoot (via, reasonably, simultaneous opening of 7 port hub 5v port switches) -> switch to play -> downlad -> switch to record
(clitrace attached)
On the 8th change of the port switches from 5V to 0V I heard the familiar usb disconnect sound and Camera 7 became unresponsive (its lcd remained black after change back to 5v).
Subsequently, using the chdkptp gui:
romlog download currently individually via GUI
=return call_event_proc("System.Create")
=return call_event_proc("GetLogToFile","A/ROMLOG.LOG",1)
ERROR: stat source A/ROMLOG.LOG failed: A/ROMLOG.LOG: error
Here, fwiw, are the contents of MODULES.LOG:
Tick ,Op,Address ,Name (2017:08:26 10:09:30)
Tick ,Op,Address ,Name (2017:08:26 10:23:12)
Tick ,Op,Address ,Name (2017:08:26 10:36:12)
Tick ,Op,Address ,Name (2017:08:26 10:45:50)
Tick ,Op,Address ,Name (2017:08:26 10:58:56)
In case there could be useful comment i'll wait before trying for a romlog crash test.