Testing cameras after kbd.c change: 27 tested | 2 with minor bugs - page 7 - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum

Testing cameras after kbd.c change: 27 tested | 2 with minor bugs

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Offline reyalp

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inside cradle 0xZ0@9AF80
outside cradle 0xZ0@9FF80

The red 0 is the USB bit which becomes 8 upon USB plug-in. Z and @ I put for values that fluctuate between two possible ones and seem unrelated. @: C/5   Z: 3/2
Interesting, F->A is two bits changing.

From what I understand, the cradle has power and AV plugs, perhaps one or both of these also affect the bits?

The interesting thing is that yes when the USB cable is off and the according bit is 0 the camera still shuts off when removed from the cradle.
Most cameras shut off if you remove external power, so it might be similar to that.

From earlier
On the things you suggested I'll need step by step instructions.
If you run a script with just
Code: [Select]
it might make the camera think it's no longer in the cradle.
You could also try
Code: [Select]

You should reboot in between these tests, and don't use PTP as that may confuse things more. If the second one prints -1, the event proc isn't registered.
Don't forget what the H stands for.


Offline koshy

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inside cradle 0xZ0@9AF80
outside cradle 0xZ0@9FF80

The red 0 is the USB bit which becomes 8 upon USB plug-in. Z and @ I put for values that fluctuate between two possible ones and seem unrelated. @: C/5   Z: 3/2
Interesting, F->A is two bits changing.

From what I understand, the cradle has power and AV plugs, perhaps one or both of these also affect the bits?
Unplugging the power plug changes our green A to B. Plugging an earphone cable into the AV plug changes the 9 before the green A to an 8. So that's there.

worked in that it shuts the camera down. Lens folds back in etc. same as taking the cam out of the cradle.


Prints: 0 / 1950552

And lo and behold, using this script while the camera is in the cradle makes the play / vid / rec switch functional - so the camera thinks it's no longer in the cradle and after that one can use the USB remote on the cradle in rec mode without having used CHDKPTP to get the cam there. (cradle has a tripod thread, too btw.)
Koshy had a little ELPH which wasn't white as snow but everywhere that Koshy went the ELPH was sure to go. (actually an SD, but that detail ruins the rhyme...)


Offline koshy

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- A450 boots a current CHDK 1.4
- FW doesn't show "card locked" message
- keys outside of alt mode work
- has no jogdial
- keys work fine in ALT mode
- shooting RAW / JPEG was fine
- USB remote was fine
- CHDKPTP spot check of buttons was fine
- wheel buttons have no effect
- =wheel_left() =wheel_right() have no effect

Does not shoot JPEG remotely but I'll stop mentioning that as the FWT column on the feature table should be sufficient to tell that.
Koshy had a little ELPH which wasn't white as snow but everywhere that Koshy went the ELPH was sure to go. (actually an SD, but that detail ruins the rhyme...)


Offline koshy

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- A480 boots a current CHDK 1.4
- FW doesn't show "card locked" message
- keys outside of alt mode work
- has no jogdial
- keys work fine in ALT mode
- shooting RAW / JPEG was fine
- USB remote was fine
- CHDKPTP spot check of buttons was fine
- wheel buttons have no effect
- =wheel_left() =wheel_right() have no effect

Another camera that doesn't have a full PTP live view implementation.
« Last Edit: 07 / June / 2015, 18:20:20 by koshy »
Koshy had a little ELPH which wasn't white as snow but everywhere that Koshy went the ELPH was sure to go. (actually an SD, but that detail ruins the rhyme...)


Offline koshy

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- A490 boots a current CHDK 1.4
- FW doesn't show "card locked" message
- keys outside of alt mode work
- has no jogdial
- keys work fine in ALT mode
- shooting RAW / JPEG was fine
- USB remote was fine
- CHDKPTP spot check of buttons was fine
- wheel buttons have no effect
- =wheel_left() =wheel_right() have no effect
Koshy had a little ELPH which wasn't white as snow but everywhere that Koshy went the ELPH was sure to go. (actually an SD, but that detail ruins the rhyme...)


Offline koshy

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Bug: Cannot power on using power button - only using play button

- A550 boots a current CHDK 1.4
- FW doesn't show "card locked" message
- keys outside of alt mode work
- has no jogdial
- keys work fine in ALT mode
- shooting RAW / JPEG was fine
- USB remote was fine
- CHDKPTP spot check of buttons was fine
- wheel buttons have no effect
- =wheel_left() =wheel_right() have no effect

Another camera that doesn't have a full PTP live view implementation.
Koshy had a little ELPH which wasn't white as snow but everywhere that Koshy went the ELPH was sure to go. (actually an SD, but that detail ruins the rhyme...)


Offline reyalp

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And lo and behold, using this script while the camera is in the cradle makes the play / vid / rec switch functional - so the camera thinks it's no longer in the cradle and after that one can use the USB remote on the cradle in rec mode without having used CHDKPTP to get the cam there. (cradle has a tripod thread, too btw.)
Thanks. Since the cradle can be bypassed by eventprocs, I don't think we need to try overriding any of the bits. I'm sure the large community of izoom users will be grateful for our investigation :haha :P

One more thing that you could test on this camera:
Set ISO to 100 in the canon ui
run the following in chdkptp:
Code: [Select]
=p=require'propcase' press'shoot_half' repeat sleep(10) until get_shooting() return get_prop(p.SV),get_prop(p.SV_MARKET)

Regarding A550, can you check if the power on bug is the same in 1.3?
Don't forget what the H stands for.


Offline koshy

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Thanks. Since the cradle can be bypassed by eventprocs, I don't think we need to try overriding any of the bits. I'm sure the large community of izoom users will be grateful for our investigation :haha :P
Yes and for that crowd I added a little something to http://chdk.wikia.com/wiki/SD30 being:

Using CHDK's USB Remote feature on the SD30 / IXUS i zoom

The USB connector is on the camera's cradle. While in the cradle one cannot switch to Rec mode unless one executes the following script with CHDK's Lua native calls option enabled. After using that one can switch to Rec mode and connect the USB Remote to the cradle. The cradle has a plastic tripod thread, too.

@title DisguiseCradleStatus
@chdk_version 1.3

One more thing that you could test on this camera:
Set ISO to 100 in the canon ui
run the following in chdkptp:
Code: [Select]
=p=require'propcase' press'shoot_half' repeat sleep(10) until get_shooting() return get_prop(p.SV),get_prop(p.SV_MARKET)
No idea what it does but sure.

ISO 100

ISO 50 (cams lowest)
Koshy had a little ELPH which wasn't white as snow but everywhere that Koshy went the ELPH was sure to go. (actually an SD, but that detail ruins the rhyme...)


Offline koshy

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I have removed the CHDKPTP remarks from page one and also the "all tests were fine", and "tests were fine overall" distiction. The latter didn't make sense to me anymore and the former can be distiguished from the code. We can't get everything at once. I'll stick to the script calls for the buttons in CHDKPTP and will keep giving the same kind of reports as before but won't mention the UI overlay and palette related stuff anymore I think.
Koshy had a little ELPH which wasn't white as snow but everywhere that Koshy went the ELPH was sure to go. (actually an SD, but that detail ruins the rhyme...)


Offline koshy

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Regarding A550, can you check if the power on bug is the same in 1.3?
Yes using a550-100c-1.3.0-4169-full it was the same.
Koshy had a little ELPH which wasn't white as snow but everywhere that Koshy went the ELPH was sure to go. (actually an SD, but that detail ruins the rhyme...)


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