change USB Device Name reported to Host - page 2 - General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases - CHDK Forum

change USB Device Name reported to Host

  • 18 Replies
Re: change USB Device Name reported to Host
« Reply #10 on: 29 / September / 2015, 03:43:26 »
Thanks H-H.

I'm thinking more along the lines of a facility, for example, to have any of the total cam count (64 or...whatever) available on all of a large number of machines (Win7 preferred in my case) but actual connection in small groups of 10 or 20 per machine) and let the multicam listfile process on each machine manage the details. Somewhat theoretical at the minute since , although I have a master AutoIt GUI (Win7) controlling a remote (WinXP) GUI i'm currently challenged to have psexec do the same on a remote Win7...another cuppa or two could sort that out :blink:

Is it really worth the effort? not sure...i'll have a look at those AutoIt registry control commands you hint at.

Appreciate your comment.

Re: change USB Device Name reported to Host
« Reply #11 on: 29 / September / 2015, 04:54:55 »
...i'll have a look at those AutoIt registry control commands you hint at.
Appreciate your comment.
# How many cameras do you have now. [5 x Sx150 as I seem to recall]
# How many cameras do you have need for your Multi-Camera project. [?]
# How many different types cameras do you have need for your Multi-Camera project. [?]

Open the W-7 Registry in RegEdit or similar, then navigate to HKLM\System\ControlSet001\..
there are only three [basic] places of interest. [as I recall "Control", "Enum/USB" and "Services"]

A/ HKLM\System\ControlSet001\Control\ [GUID = Libusb i.e the one specified in your OEM*.inf, LibUsb.inf]
    then use RegEdit to Ex-Port this entry. [i.e to a file Hklm_Sys_CS01_Control.reg]

B/ HKLM\System\ControlSet001\Enum\USB\ VID.... PID .... = "Your Cameras"
     [VID ....PID = Libusb i.e the one specified in your OEM*.inf, or LibUsb.inf]
    then use RegEdit to Ex-Port this entry. [i.e to a file Hklm_System_CS0001_USB.reg]

C/ HKLM\System\ControlSet001\Enum\Services\LibUsb0
     [Service.... = LibUsb i.e the one specified in your OEM*.inf, or LibUsb.inf]
    then use RegEdit to Ex-Port this entry. [i.e to a file Hklm_System_CS0001_Service.reg]

Then put them all in a zip file Either post a temporary link some where or email them directly to me.

To use AutoIT, its simply a matter of then creating and/or editing these three entrys ... But
in a "Customized" WDM/LibUSB Hybrid way. AND having the correct Access Permissions.

You can probably get away with the same basic "Customized" WDM/LibUSB Driver for all your
computers but I am not a winx64 expert. The extra camera drivers shouldn't create any new problems.

You can simply "Delete" the "Customized" WDM/LibUSB Driver by using some negative values and then
re-merge a new but modified "Customized" WDM/LibUSB Driver.

Windows expects to then find a valid OEM*.inf or LibUsb0.inf file, but...........................

As in one of  the above  post its also possible to "Simply" change the "Default" windows behavior ....

« Last Edit: 06 / February / 2017, 01:49:37 by Hardware_Hacker »

Re: change USB Device Name reported to Host
« Reply #12 on: 29 / September / 2015, 05:48:38 »
# How many cameras do you have now. [5 x Sx150 as I seem to recall]
I stopped buying at nearly 2.5 score a few months ago.

# How many cameras do you have need for your Multi-Camera project. [?]
not sure, but see next...

# How many different types cameras do you have need for your Multi-Camera project. [?]
It's still more an idea than a project (not very well organised  :(). I may keep the 150is for the "body" region and (because of limited space) puchase 160is (placed on a geodesic dome) for the "head" region based on reyalp's report that it focuses, with full zoom, at 60cm I don't see much purpose in wasting pixels /subsequent masking by capturing background (if sufficient overlap is achievable, with available cam count, at high/max zoom), although that is a quandary for the "body" in a dynamic pose with outstretched limbs. 

Thanks for the registry hints. I'll try to report back asap after sorting my Win7/Win7 GUI challenge.
« Last Edit: 29 / September / 2015, 05:55:47 by andrew.stephens.754365 »

Re: change USB Device Name reported to Host
« Reply #13 on: 03 / October / 2015, 06:25:22 »
Took more than a couple of cuppas but got both WinXP & Win7 slave AutoIt GUI's working...I can start to appreciate the possible attraction of PE.


Then put them all in a zip file Either post a tempory link some where or email them directly to me.

I couldn't identify the relevant entries H-H, so exported the entire registy (zip 5.1Mb) and sent you a personal email.

There's 3 cameras installed on that Win7 (Professional 64 bit) machine:

Code: [Select]
DeviceName = "Canon Digital Camera Number 1"
VendorName = "Canon, Inc."
SourceName = "Canon Digital Camera Number 1 Install Disk"
DeviceID   = "VID_04A9&PID_3234"
DeviceGUID = "{A73DF49A-9CE0-439D-8614-93521324D0F3}"

Signature   = "$Windows NT$"
Class       = "libusb-win32 devices"
ClassGuid   = {EB781AAF-9C70-4523-A5DF-642A87ECA567}
Provider    = "libusb-win32"
CatalogFile =
DriverVer   = 01/17/2012,
Code: [Select]
DeviceName = "Canon Digital Camera Number 2"
VendorName = "Canon, Inc."
SourceName = "Canon Digital Camera Number 2 Install Disk"
DeviceID   = "VID_04A9&PID_3234"
DeviceGUID = "{680A9983-ECFA-43E5-80A0-C5DD321AC8D2}"

Signature   = "$Windows NT$"
Class       = "libusb-win32 devices"
ClassGuid   = {EB781AAF-9C70-4523-A5DF-642A87ECA567}
Provider    = "libusb-win32"
CatalogFile =
DriverVer   = 01/17/2012,
Code: [Select]
DeviceName = "Canon Digital Camera Number 45"
VendorName = "Canon, Inc."
SourceName = "Canon Digital Camera Number 45 Install Disk"
DeviceID   = "VID_04A9&PID_3234"
DeviceGUID = "{BA90F31C-7606-46B2-AEAF-C2232E3D7413}"

Signature   = "$Windows NT$"
Class       = "libusb-win32 devices"
ClassGuid   = {EB781AAF-9C70-4523-A5DF-642A87ECA567}
Provider    = "libusb-win32"
CatalogFile =
DriverVer   = 01/17/2012,

Any further comment appreciated, if you ever get a chance...

Re: change USB Device Name reported to Host
« Reply #14 on: 04 / October / 2015, 00:30:45 »
...I can start to appreciate the possible attraction of PE.
" exported the entire registy (zip 5.1Mb) and sent you a personal email..."

Unfortunately the zip file appears to be corrupted ?? at about 3.5 mb so please re-send and include the
LibUSB.inf file.


Re: change USB Device Name reported to Host
« Reply #15 on: 04 / October / 2015, 05:05:27 »
Resent file H-H, now 11Mb.

Don't know what originally happened but checked the new zip (7-zip) unzips on both WinXP&7. Opened file with notepad++ at 1.6 Million lines in length.


Re: change USB Device Name reported to Host
« Reply #16 on: 05 / October / 2015, 01:38:21 »
Resent file H-H, now 11Mb.
..notepad++ at 1.6 Million lines in length.
## I reduced the registry file from aprox 160mb to aprox 20k

##  And the 1.6 Million lines in length to about 216 lines !!!

## The LibUSB0.inf was renamed by w-7 to oem13.inf, oem14.inf, oem15.inf

## Only 3 of your 2.5 score of cameras have been recently connected [???]

## Your CHDK post link to find:-

"..USB triggering with multiple cameras and PTP - Hotwire! Hardware Mods, Accessories and Insights - CHDK Forum..."

« Last Edit: 05 / October / 2015, 01:44:25 by Hardware_Hacker »

Re: change USB Device Name reported to Host
« Reply #17 on: 05 / October / 2015, 06:03:46 »
## The LibUSB0.inf was renamed by w-7 to oem13.inf, oem14.inf, oem15.inf
Having now changed search for ".inf" filetype to "Index Properties and File Contents" and indexing the entire C: drive those filenames are not found (don't understand this). However, Canon_Digital_Camera_Number_1.inf & Canon_Digital_Camera_Number_2.inf & Canon_Digital_Camera_Number_45.inf are found. Those files (prepended with "x") attached (2 here and one in follow-up).
## Only 3 of your 2.5 score of cameras have been recently connected [???]
I currently have 3 machines - two * Win7 Professional 64bit & 1 * WinXP Professional 32bit. All three only have those 3 cameras installed. I currently have 3 individual camera power supplies only. Multicamera power supplies are part of my wish (but I am not particularly well organised and have constantly delayed a good friend who is helping with that even though I had a trial batch of battery blanks 3D printed many months ago). At this stage, for AutoIt GUI & Multicam.lua development, a single cam connected to each machine is fine.

If an automated generalised libusb installation (on all machines) first requires manual install of all cameras on a single machine that could still be worth some effort (is it?). I had, probably incorrectly, surmised that unique serial ID (since product/vendor equivalent for all) could permit registry automation (without pre-installation).

## Your CHDK post link to find:-

"..USB triggering with multiple cameras and PTP - Hotwire! Hardware Mods, Accessories and Insights - CHDK Forum..."

I'm still slightly embarassed by that Can you please further explain it's relevance to the current subject? I'm not yet sure if psexec will allow me to tweak "syncat" between machines (certainly the Win7 firewall must be turned off or the wait between WinXP and Win7 slaves is massive) to provide acceptable synch, so there is still the possibility building the big usb switch referred to in that thread will be required.


Re: change USB Device Name reported to Host
« Reply #18 on: 05 / October / 2015, 06:04:31 »
3rd inf attached...


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